Prosthodontic Observation Program
Develop and Improve Skills in the Field of Prosthodontics Heading link

The Prosthodontic Observation Program provides a meaningful and well-directed observational experience for dentists interested in observing Prosthodontic and Implant practices and procedures in clinic and classroom settings in the Department of Restorative Dentistry.
The program provides an opportunity for the observer to:
- Observe a wide range of Prosthodontic and Implant procedures in the Implant and Innovations Center;
- Attend departmental seminars of Prosthodontics and Implants; and
- Acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in the restorative sciences.
The program provides dentists the opportunity to develop and improve skills that will enhance their performance and understanding in the field of Prosthodontics and implant placement. Participation in the Prosthodontic Observation Program does not guarantee acceptance into the Prosthodontic Certificate Program. The duration of the Prosthodontic Observation Program can range from one week to one year.
How to Apply
To apply, please see instructions on the Clinical Affairs Externship, Clinical Observation and Volunteer Opportunities page. Then please contact Ms. Stephanie Clarke as indicated below:
Contact Heading link
Stephanie Clarke, RDH, MS
Director of Prosthodontic Clinic
Department of Restorative Dentistry (MC 555)
UIC College of Dentistry
801 South Paulina Street, Room 351B
Chicago, IL 60612