College News

Dr. Emelia Karkazis, UIC Orthodontic Resident Class of 2024

UIC Orthodontic Resident Wins 2nd Place at Annual Session

Dr. Emelia Karkazis, UIC Orthodontic Resident Class of 2024, won the 2nd place in the Dr. William R. Proffit Resident Scholar Awards: Basic Science Research category at the 2024 Annual Session of the AAO meeting in New Orleans.

Dr. Brad Johnson

Dr. Bradford Johnson awarded department's inaugural professorship

As a dental student at Virginia Commonwealth University in the early 1980s, Dr. Bradford Johnson, Endodontics ’91, MHPE ’05, knew of Dr. Franklin Weine’s reputation in the burgeoning endodontic field. In fact, Johnson…

Dean Susan Rowan

Dr. Susan Rowan named dean of UIC College of Dentistry

It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Susan A. Rowan, DDS, MS, FACD, FICD, as dean of the University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry, effective April 16, 2024, for a two-year term, pending approval by the University of Illinois...

UIC Orthodontics 2024 AAOF Award Recipients

UIC Orthodontics obtained five AAOF awards

UIC Orthodontics is delighted to share with you that our program obtained five AAOF awards. For the fourth consecutive year, we have obtained the highest number of AAOF awards. This is yet another proud moment in our long history of excellence.