UIC Orthodontic faculty presenting at the upcoming SOE Ravindra Nanda Educational Leadership Conference on the topics of  “Orthodontics Residency Education for Generation Z: Current Landscapes, Opportunities and Challenges”

UIC Orthodontic faculty presenting at the upcoming SOE Ravindra Nanda Educational Leadership Conference on the topics of  “Orthodontics Residency Education for Generation Z: Current Landscapes, Opportunities and Challenges”

Dear Dental Educators Community,

We hope that you join us at the 2024 SOE Ravindra Nanda Educational Leadership Conference on May 3, 2024 from 10:30 am – 5 pm, before the start of AAO's Annual Session in New Orleans 2024. Don't miss the presentation by UIC Orthodontic faculty on the topics of  “Orthodontics Residency Education for Generation Z: Current Landscapes, Opportunities and Challenges” which will be one of the key presentations at the Society of Educators (SOE) Ravindra Nanda Educational Leadership Conference.

Speakers: Dr. Veerasathpurush Allareddy, Dr. Sumit Yadav, Dr. Min Kyeong Lee

Time: Friday, May 3, 2024 10:30AM - 5:00PM CDT

Location: ENMCC 208-210, Level 2

You must be registered to attend. For more information about the SOE, please visit: https://www2.aaoinfo.org/programs-for-residents-and-educators/society-of-educators/