College News

ASDA Honors Faculty for Community Outreach

ASDA Honors Faculty for Community Outreach

The UIC chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) on April 12 presented its Advocate Award to Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Alrayyes received the award for the effort she put into the Smiles for A Safe Haven event in July.

Dr. Joan M. Davis Chosen ADEA Foundation Education Fellow

Dr. Joan M. Davis Chosen ADEA Foundation Education Fellow

Dr. Joan M. Davis, an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, has been chosen the recipient of the American Dental Education Association/ADEAGeis Foundation Fellowship for 2017.

USA-ICD Awards Grant to College of Dentistry

USA-ICD Awards Grant to College of Dentistry

The International College of Dentists’ USA Section (USA-ICD) has awarded a grant from its International Student Experiences (ISE) program to the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry.

Give Kids A Smile: Helping Chicago's Underserved Children With Access to Dental Care

Give Kids A Smile: Helping Chicago's Underserved Children With Access to Dental Care

More than 100 youngsters from St. Malachy School and Chicagoland Easter Seals will be provided with an examination of their teeth, a cleaning, a fluoride treatment, and education on how to keep their teeth healthy, at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry on Thursday, Feb. 2, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Give Kids a Smile Day.

Orthodontics’ Dr. Lawrence Voss Retires

Orthodontics’ Dr. Lawrence Voss Retires

Dr. Lawrence Voss, Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthodontics, will retire from the UIC College of Dentistry at the end of December 2016.

HSDA Chapter Wins Nuestros Ninos Contest

HSDA Chapter Wins Nuestros Ninos Contest

The College’s Hispanic Student Dental Association (HSDA) Chapter has been chosen the winner of the Nuestros Ninos contest of the Hispanic Dental Association (HDA), sponsored by Colgate.

The Value of Preventive Oral Health Care

The Value of Preventive Oral Health Care

Oral health is often taken for granted, but it is an essential part of our everyday lives. Good oral health enhances our ability to speak, smile, eat, and show our emotions through facial…