Several dental students at UIC have expanded their horizons through international rotations offered at UIC. Here are experiences shared by three students who recently served patients in the rural highlands of Guatemala.
The UIC College of Dentistry recently received a grant from the International College of Dentists (ICD) to support travel expenses of seven students to perform extramural rotations at Salud y Paz in Guatemala or Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Through ADEA's Student Diversity Leadership Program, UIC dental students are advocating for the communities that shaped them, to improve health and expand career opportunities.
One of the biggest reasons dental students choose UIC is the level of collaboration we build into the student experience. A great example of this collaborative learning is the student led Peer Mentoring Program (PMP), part of ADEA at UIC.
UIC has a very strong ASDA chapter providing our students lots of ways to enrich professional training, network and get involved in organized dentistry. From serving in the community, leading volunteer-led health events, to presenting peers in national policy, our ASDA chapter are leading the way for dental students.
Why do dental students choose UIC? We offer an outstanding, innovative curriculum that patient centered, problem focused, and community driven. Our community is woven by a richly diverse fabric of cultural and professional backgrounds. We're located at the heart of a world-class medical education and research complex.
Dr. Patrick Smith, clinical assistant professor, Division of Prevention and Public Health Sciences and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, has earned a grant from the American Association of Public Health Dentistry Foundation for his proposal, “Understanding community engagement in low-income, predominantly black communities to promote oral health.”
Ever wondered how small group learning (SGL) actually works? Students appreciate our curriculum because it is highly collaborative, patient-centered, and medically comprehensive in nature, including behavioral science education, evidence-based dentistry, and implant dentistry.
The UIC College of Dentistry is sending several faculty and students to present keynotes, oral presentations and posters at this year's AADR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Get the schedule of presenters.