Center for Wound Healing & Tissue Regeneration
Advancing Wound Healing and Regeneration Research Heading link

The Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration (CWHTR) is a unique community of scientists and clinicians devoted to the study of injury, wound healing, and regeneration. The members of this multidisciplinary research center investigate the body’s reaction to injury, as well as mechanisms of repair and regeneration of tissues. The center’s mission is to provide a comprehensive center that supports creative and innovative research in the area of wound healing and seeks to encourage interaction and collaboration between members of the academic and clinical communities who have an interest in understanding and advancing the treatment of wounds. Over 45 members are affiliated with the CWHTR, including research scientists and clinicians from across six colleges at UIC as well as faculty from UIUC and other Chicago area universities including Loyola, Rush, and Northwestern.
Luisa DiPietro, DDS, PhD, Center Director
The Importance of Wound Healing Research
Current Areas of Research
- Inflammatory Cell Recruitment in Acute Injury
- Angiogenesis in Wound Repair
- Effects of Stress on Wound Healing
- Gender Differences Between Dermal and Mucosal Wounds
- Impact of Aging, Ischemia and Cytokines on Wound Healing
- Modulation of Scarring by Gene Therapy
The specific goals of the center are to promote collaborative research in the areas of tissue repair and regeneration, to support the research training of persons interested in the field,and to enhance translational research in injury and repair science. The long term goal of the scientists and clinicians in the CWHTR is to translate research findings into innovative therapeutic strategies to improve tissue repair and regeneration. To insure the future of healing and regeneration research, the Center maintains a strong commitment to the research training of pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and clinical trainees.
The Center is currently supported by individual investigator grants (NIH, DOD, industry, foundation), and was recognized as one of four national Centers for Innovative Wound Healing in September, 2006. The CWHTR is under the direction of Dr. Luisa DiPietro, DDS, PhD.
The CWHTR is located at the University of Illinois Chicago campus, within the College of Dentistry. Due to location within the College of Dentistry, and close proximity to the College of Medicine, basic science departments and the Illinois Medical District, the Center has an opportunity to facilitate interdisciplinary partnerships between numerous clinical and academic departments. The CWHTR also includes research and clinical partners affiliated with other major medical/research facilities in the greater Chicago area.
Programs Heading link

The CWHTR offers research and training opportunities for graduate students and professional students, post-doctoral fellows, undergraduate students, and visiting scholars.
Contacts Heading link
Luisa DiPietro, DDS, PhD
Center Director
(312) 355-0432
Wendy Cerny, PhD
Center Coordinator
(312) 355-2662
Lab Team
Lin Chen MD PhD
Research Associate Professor
Junhe Shi
Research Technician/Lab Manager
Veronica Haywood DPT
Postdoc/PhD Candidate
May Barakat
MD/PhD Candidate
Trevor Leonardo
MD/PhD Candidate
Anna Salapatas
DMD/PhD Candidate
More about College of Dentistry Research Heading link
Research Programs, Centers & Labs
Multidisciplinary Oral Science Training (MOST) Program
Oral Medicine & Pharmacognosy (OMPR) Laboratory
Dental Medicine Responder Training (DMRT)