Office of Research
Office of Research Heading link
Pre-award Services

The office provides complete pre-award services including assistance with budget planning, ASSIST package submission, and internal grant processing. eRA commons delegation and post-award changes and no-cost extensions are managed here. Information regarding grant opportunities, collaboration and university-wide research activities are shared with the faculty by the office.
Post-award Service

Funded investigators’ financial, HR and regulatory needs are addressed by the office staff. Ongoing budget reviews are performed to assist in the successful management of individual grants and contracts. Assistance with procurement, invoices and purchase orders is provided.
Facilities and Equipment

The office coordinates the maintenance and repair of core equipment and supplies (CO2, liquid nitrogen, dry ice). Annual inventories, assessments, replacement of obsolete and acquisition of new equipment is managed here. For immediate repairs contact:
Contacts Heading link
Ana Bedran-Russo
Associate Dean for Research
Virginia Buglio
Director, Research Services
Amsa Ramachandran
Interim Business Administrative/Academic Advisor