ASDA Honors Faculty for Community Outreach

The UIC chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) on April 12 presented its Advocate Award to Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Alrayyes received the award for the effort she put into the Smiles for A Safe Haven event in July.
“Dr. Alrayyes’ enthusiasm for increasing access to oral health care in Chicago and across the globe continuously inspires all her students,” according to student Karen Homsi, former UIC ASDA Service Chair. “The chapter was fortunate to work alongside such a compassionate faculty member and mentor.”
“I feel privileged to receive this recognition,” Dr. Alrayyes said. I take pride in having the opportunity to witness and guide our future dentists through a heartwarming experience in helping the underprivileged children in Illinois. An experience such as this one will help them grow to become stronger leaders and well-rounded oral health care providers.”
The chapter also thanked Khatija Noorullah, Clinical Community Academic Manager, “without whom this event would not have been possible,” said Mina Golubovich UIC ASDA chapter President. “Thanks to Khatija, Dr. Alrayyes, and the volunteers’ efforts, 38 children from A Safe Haven, a local homeless shelter, were screened and provided with preventative fluoride varnish.” Homsi concurred with Golubovich
“The UIC ASDA Chapter, with the help of Dr. Alrayyes and Khatija, aspires to continue its efforts to connect with the surrounding community,” Golubovich concluded.
Dr. Sahar Alrayyes received an award from the College’s ASDA chapter. She is pictured with Mina Golubovich, UIC ASDA President.