Dr. Stephanie Ward Managing Brahms Clinic at University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry

Dr. Stephanie Ward has accepted a full time faculty position as the new Managing Partner of Brahms Clinic at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry.
Dr. Ward is a 2001 alumna of the College and was appointed as faculty in the Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in 2006.
Dr. Ward had participated in Urgent Care and Initial Patient Services as a Clinical Instructor and is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Comprehensive Care Clinic Course in the role of Group Practice supervising faculty. She is a small group learning facilitator, and has been a member of multiple College committees, including the Senate, Admissions, Promotions, and Compliance.
“Many of my previous duties were clinical duties,” Dr. Ward said. “This new post is very influential in that it provides the opportunity to have a direct, positive impact on our developing dental students.”
She noted, “My new duties include being co-course director with Dr. Mickey Spector of the comprehensive course Dentistry Applied Oral and Behavioral Sciences. I supervise our dental students of the Brahms Clinic with not only clinical chairside work with patients, but also their overall development in the comprehensive clinical course. In addition, this position includes oversight of the day to day clinic operations, such as clinical faculty coverage.”
She also has been in general private practice since 2002.
Dr. Ward succeeds Dr. Michael Santucci as Managing Partner of the Brahms Clinic. Dr. Santucci retired in December.
“I hope to continue the wonderful work of Dr. Santucci,” Dr. Ward said. “Through mentorship, I hope to help our students navigate their way through our rigorous curriculum. This would include helping them to understand the positive impact on the dental community they have and can create.
“More than anything, I hope to prepare our students to be competent dentists who are compassionate professionals who will continue to seek a lifetime of service and learning,” Dr. Ward added. “It is a privilege to be appointed to this position and I thank the College of Dentistry, existing and new faculty, staff, and of course the students for their encouragement and support.
“I would like to thank Dr. Clark Stanford, Dr. Gary Drahos, Dr. Richard Monahan, Dr. James Bryniarski, Dr. Mickey Spector, Dr. Michael Dunlap, Dr. Darryl Pendleton, Dr. Susan Rowan, Shirley Nelson, Maria Leon, and of course Dr. Santucci for their mentorship. It’s all so very humbling,” she concluded.