FOREFRONT is a limited video series spotlighting UIC College of Dentistry researchers who are on the forefront of scientific discoveries in immunology, AI, wound healing, biomaterials and more.

The college invites you to join us for this groundbreaking video series featuring five of our most accomplished researchers: Drs. Luisa DiPietroSriram RavindranSath AllareddyAfsar Naqvi and Ana Bedran-Russo. They will explore a diverse range of topics aiming to captivate audiences across various academic and research backgrounds.

At the UIC College of Dentistry, we drive innovation and solutions through science. This video series showcases our commitment to advancing overall health and the inspirational ways our researchers are trying to solve big health problems. Our research cultivates critical thinking, fosters creativity and teamwork, and brings prestige and recognition to UIC.

Ana Bedran-Russo, DDS, MS, PhD  |  Associate Dean for Research

In the final episode of this series, Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo presents her research in “Functional Biomaterials From Plants,” focusing on how nature-inspired approaches are revolutionizing dental materials and regenerative therapies. Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo is a UIC Distinguished Professor and associate dean for research and department head of oral biology at the College of Dentistry.

In the fourth episode, Dr. Sath Allareddy presents his findings in “Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in Orthodontics: A New Paradigm,” focusing on clinical outcomes.

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In the third episode, Dr. Afsar Naqvi presents “Unraveling the Power of Saliva.” His research focuses on gum disease, which affects over 1 billion people across the globe. He discovers how saliva can serve as a tool for assessing and monitoring viruses, as well as tracking the effectiveness of dental treatments for the disease.

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In the second episode, Dr. Sriram Ravindran presents his talk titled “Cellular Mail Theft for Regenerative Medicine.” His research focuses on cellular communication in the human body and explores the importance of the unique, regenerative cells of the mouth.

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In the premiere episode, Dr. Luisa DiPietro shares her important insights on wound healing in her presentation titled “Perfect Wound Healing: Lessons from the Mouth.”

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Watch the promotional video on FOREFRONT: Science Discoveries Advancing Health.

  • $ 7.9M of funding last fiscal year

  • Top 20 Ranking among US dental institutions in NIDCR funding

  • 40 + faculty performing research