Photo of Rowan, Susan

Susan Rowan, DDS, MS

Professor and Dean

Restorative Dentistry



801 S. Paulina St., IL 60612


Dr. Rowan is a licensed clinical dentist and serves as the Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at the College of Dentistry (UIC COD). She is a 1984 graduate of the UIC program, has been course director, clinical and pre-clinical faculty member, and managing partner of one of the large UIC COD predoctoral Group Practices. Dr. Rowan has been a leader in major infrastructure and renovation projects as well as in fund raising campaigns on behalf of the College. As Clinical Dean, Dr. Rowan provides administrative support for all clinical services of the College, including pre-doctoral, postgraduate, community outreach, and faculty practice clinical operations. Dr. Rowan has completed a Teaching Fellowship in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Illinois Chicago, a Leadership Fellowship with the American Dental Education Association and earned a Masters degree in Patient Safety Leadership.



  • University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry, BS, 1982
  • University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry, DDS, 1984
  • Fellowship in the Scholars for Teaching Excellence Program in the University of Illinois Chicago Department of Medical Education, 2009
  • Faculty Fellowship in the American Dental Education Association Leadership Institute 2017
  • University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine, MS Patient Safety Leadership, 2019


  • Recipient of the Dr. Irwin B. Robinson President’s Leadership Award, 2013
  • Recipient of the Lloyd E. DuBrul Faculty Achievement Award, 2015
  • Inducted into the American College of Dentists, 2018.

Professional Memberships

  • Chicago Dental Society
  • American Dental Education Association
  • American Dental Association
  • Illinois State Dental Society
  • American College of Dentists
  • Member and Past President of the College of Dentistry Alumni Board
  • Member and Past President of the Sigma Chapter of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Society
  • Member of the University Compliance Committee, and serves as Compliance Officer at the College of Dentistry


Yan CH, Hubbard C, Calip GS, Sharp LK, Evans CT, Rowan S, McGregor JC, Campbell Al, Gellad WF, Suda KJ. Impact of Hydrocodone Rescheduling on Opioid Prescribing by Dentists In the United States. Abstract presented at International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology Conference; August 26-30, 2017; Montreal, Canada.


Gross AE, Suda KJ, Zhou J, Calip GS, Rowan S, Hershow R, Perez R, Evans CT, McGregor JC. Serious Antibiotic-related Adverse Effects Following Unnecessary Dental Prophylaxis in the United States. Abstract presented at ID Week, October 2-6, 2019; Washington, DC. ID Week is the joint annual meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the HIV Medical Association (HIVMA), the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS), and the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP).


Hubbard C, Evans C, Calip GS, Rowan S. Gallad WF, Campbell A, Gross A, Hershow R, McGregor J, Sharp L, Suda, KJ. Antibiotic and Opioid Prescriptions (Rx) by Dentists in 2012: Variation According to County, Region and Patient County -level Characteristics. Abstract presented at The International Conference on Health Policy Statistics; January 6-8, 2020; San Diego, CA.


Zhou J, Calip GS, Rowan S, McGregor JC. Perez R, Evans CT, Gellad WF, Suda KJ. Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Combination With Opioids Among Older Dental Patients. Abstract presented at The International Conference on Health Policy Statistics; January 6-8, 2020; San Diego, CA.


Yan C, Hubbard C, Cali GS, Sharp LP, Evans CT, Rowan S, McGregor JC, Campbell A, Gellad WF, Suda KJ. Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Combination With Opioids Among Older Dental Patients. Abstract presented at ICPE All Access; September 16-17, 2020; online (due to COVID-19)

Selected Publications


Rowan S, Newness E, Tetradis S, Prasad J, Ko C, Sanchez A. Should Student Evaluation of Teaching Play a Significant Role in the Formal Assessment of Faculty? Two Viewpoints. J Dent Educ. 2017 Nov; 81(11): 1362-1372.


Koppen L, Suda KJ, Rowan S, McGregor J, Evans CT. Dentists’ Prescribing of Antibiotics and Opioids to Medicare Part D Beneficiaries: Medications of high impact to public health. J Am Dent Assoc. 2018 Aug; 149(8): 721-730.


Gross A, Hanna D, Rowan S, Bleasdale S, Suda KJ. Successful Implementation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Program in an Academic Dental Practice. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2019 Feb 13; 6(3).


Suda KJ, Calip GS, Zhou J, Rowan S, Gross AE, Hershow RC, Perez R, McGregor J, Evans, CT. Assessment of the Appropriateness of Antibiotic Prescriptions for Infection Prophylaxis Before Dental Procedures, 2011 to 2015. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 May; 2(5):e194303.


Suda KJ, Durkin M, Calip GS, Rowan S. et al. Comparison of Opioid Prescribing by Dentists in the United States and England. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 May; 2(5): e194303.


Suda KJ, Zhou J, Rowan S, McGregor J, Perez R, Evans CT, Gellad WF, Calip GS. Overprescribing of Opioids to Adults by Dentists in the United States, 2011-2015. Am J Prev Med. 2020 Apr; 58(4): 473-486.


Suda, K, Durkin, M, Calip, G, Gellad, WF, Kim, H, Lockhart, PB, Rowan, S, Thornhill, M. “Opioid Prescribing by Dental Providers in the United States and England, 2016. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 May; 2(5).


Hanson, A, Rowan, S, Kennedy. Responsible Antibiotic Use in Dentistry: A Focus on Antibiotic Stewardship. Chicago Department of Public Health Guidelines for Antibiotic Use in Dentistry. Chgo Dept for Pub Health Pamphlet. 2019.

Zhou, J, Calip, GS, Rowan, S, McGregor, J, Perez, R, Evans, C, Gellad, WF, Suda K. Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Combination with Opioids among Older Dental Patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2020

Research Currently in Progress

Dr. Rowan has been engaged in AHRQ funded research with national and international impact in the area of dental prescribing of opioids and antibiotic stewardship efforts in dentistry.