Photo of Ravindran, Sriram

Sriram Ravindran, PhD

Associate Professor

Oral Biology


Building & Room:



UIC College of Dentistry 801 S. Paulina St, IL 60612


Dr. Ravindran earned his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Madras and his PhD in Bioengineering from the University of Illinois Chicago.  His doctoral and post-doctoral research focused on the role of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in stem cell behavior and matrix mineralization.  The tissue-specific uniqueness of the ECM, its complexity and its ability to determine the fate of stem cells has always influenced his research focus.  His laboratory at the UIC College of Dentistry operates with the theme of mimicking this ECM complexity for regenerative medicine applications.  More specifically, his laboratory designs 3D scaffolds and modifies existing clinical materials by incorporating native cell-type-specific ECM and cell-type-specific exosomes on/within them to influence stem cell differentiation and tissue regeneration.  He holds a patent that deals with a technology to develop biomimetically enhanced demineralized bone matrices and titanium implants.  The overarching goal of his laboratory is to develop his biomimetic techniques for mass production and clinical translation.

Selected Publications

A complete list of publications can be found at


  • University of Madras, B.Tech., Chemical Engineering, 2001
  • University of Illinois Chicago, PhD, Bioengineering 2005
  • University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry, Postdoctoral fellowship, 2011
  • University of Illinois Chicago College of Dentistry, Research Assistant Professor 2015

Research Currently in Progress

Regeneration of diseased/lost tissues using tissue engineering approaches require safe and reliable methods to differentiate stem cells into target cell types.  Current approaches require the use of growth factors to achieve this objective.  However, issues such as dosage, delivery, timing, ectopic activity, immunological complications and aberrant differentiation have hampered this approach significantly.  These problems are evident from the clinical use of FDA approved growth factors such as BMP2.

The focus of my laboratory is to develop a biomimetic approach to stem cell differentiation using cell-type specific ECM and exosomes.  These approaches avoid the risks associated with growth factor delivery and provide a safe, conducive wholesome and biomimetic environment to achieve and maintain stem cell differentiation.  At present our efforts are focused on the repair and regeneration of mesenchymal tissues such as bone, cartilage and the dental pulp using a variety of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from the bone marrow, adipose tissue and the dental pup itself.