Adrienne Hoffman
Building & Room:
Room 131
801 S. Paulina Street M/C 841, Chicago, IL 60612
Office Phone:
Dr. Adrienne Hoffman was born and raised in Plano, Texas. Dr. Hoffman attended the University of Missouri where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business and Minor in Biology. During her tenure at the University, she started various organizations that help students and community members find inclusivity, belonging and hope for their futures.
Dr. Hoffman started her career as an insurance broker and consultant in Chicago. During this time, she was able to travel the world and learn the business side of healthcare. After deciding dentistry was her passion, Dr. Hoffman attended Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee where she earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Hoffman was the recipient of distinguishment such as The International College of Dentists Student Leadership Award and The American Academy of Orthodontics Award.
When she finds free time, Dr. Hoffman will never turn you down to attend live music, a restaurant reservation, or workout class. Upon graduation, Dr. Hoffman plans to become ABO certified, join private practice, and eventually teach.