Christos Takoudis, PHD
Adjunct Professor
Restorative Dentistry
801 S. Paulina St., IL 60612
Awards and Recognition:
Over 300 invited Talks
- 2002-2003 Advisor of the Year Nominee, University of Illinois at Chicago.
- 2000-2001 Teaching Recognition Program Award, University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal: "Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. Applications in Science and Engineering," Pergamon Press
- ARCO Faculty Fellow Award (1982), Purdue University.
- Institute of Technology Fellow (1979), University of Minnesota
- Bush Foundation Fellow (1978 - 1981), University of Minnesota
- Ph.D. Dissertation Fellow (1977), University of Minnesota
- Kondilion Award (1977), Greece
- Thomaidion Award (1977), Greece
- Chryssovergion Award (1977), Greece
- First Award of the Technical Chamber of Greece (1977)
Scholarly interests
- Bionanotechnology
- Selective Atomic Layer Deposition
- Chemical and Bio Sensors
- Interactions of Peptides and Proteins
- Biocompatibility of Implantable Biomedical Engineering Devices
- Designing Biomedical Implants
- New Materials and Processes for Dental Implants
Selected Publications
Refereed Papers in Serial Journals
- Takoudis C. G., L. D. Schmidt and R. Aris, “Multiple Steady States in Reaction Controlled Surface Catalyzed Reactions,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 36, 377-386 (1981).
- Takoudis C. G., L. D. Schmidt and R. Aris, “Steady State Multiplicity in Surface Reactions with Coverage Dependent Parameters,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 36, 1795-1802 (1981).
- Takoudis C. G., L. D. Schmidt and R. Aris, “Isothermal Sustained Oscillations in a Very Simple Surface Reaction,” Surf. Sci. 105, 325-333 (1981).
- Takoudis C. G., L. D. Schmidt and R. Aris, “Isothermal Oscillations in Surface Reactions with Coverage Independent Parameters,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 37, 69-76 (1982).
- Takoudis C. G., “The Catalytic Synthesis of Hydrocarbons From H2/CO Mixtures over the Group VIII Metals: Comments on Methanation Kinetics,” J. Catal. 78, 265 (1982).
- Takoudis C. G. and L. D. Schmidt, “Reaction Between Nitric Oxide and Ammonia on Polycrystalline Platinum. I. Steady State Kinetics,” J. Phys. Chem. 87, 958-963 (1983).
- Takoudis C. G. and L. D. Schmidt, “Reaction Between Nitric Oxide and Ammonia on Polycrystalline Platinum. II. Rate Oscillations,” J. Phys. Chem. 87, 964-968 (1983).
- Takoudis C. G. and L. D. Schmidt, “Reaction Between NO and NH3 on Polycrystalline Platinum. 2. Rate Oscillations,” J. Phys. Chem. 87, 3174-3175 (1983).
- Takoudis C.G. and L. D. Schmidt, “Kinetics of N2O Decomposition on Polycrystalline Platinum,” J. Catal. 80, 274-279 (1983).
- Takoudis C.G. and L. D. Schmidt, “Dilution Effects in the Dynamics of Ammonia Oxidation on Pt with an Inert or a Product Species in the Feed Mixture,” J. Catal. 84, 235-239 (1983).
- Takoudis C. G., “A Study of the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Heterogeneously Catalyzed Reactions with Power Rate Laws,” J. Catal. 79, 281-285 (1983).
- Takoudis C. G., “Chemical Reactor Design,” Chem. Eng. Educ. 17, 158-161 (1983).
- Takoudis C. G., “Power Rate Law Studies in Heterogeneously Catalyzed Reactions,” I&EC Product Res. and Dev. 23, 149-153 (1984).
- Nowobilski P. J. and C. G. Takoudis, “Reaction Between Nitric Oxide and Ammonia on Polycrystalline Pt. A Mathematical Model of Rate Oscillations,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 40, 1751-1757 (1985).
- Nowobilski P. J. and C. G. Takoudis, “On the Chemical Oscillations in Differential Reactors: A Case Study of NH3 Oxidation on Pt,” Chem. Eng. Comm. 33, 211-217 (1985).
- Agny R. M. and C. G. Takoudis, “Synthesis of Methanol from Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen over a Copper Zinc Oxide-Alumina Catalyst,” I&EC Product Res. and Dev. 24, 50-55 (1985).
- Polizopoulos I. and C. G. Takoudis, “On the Steady-State Solutions of Chemically Reacting Systems. I. Applications to Single Species Surface Reactions,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 41, 1221-1232 (1986).
- Nowobilski P.J. and C. G. Takoudis, “Periodic Operation of Chemical Reactor Systems: Are Global Improvements Attainable?,” Chem. Eng. Comm. 40, 249-264, (1986).
- Mikos A. G., C. G. Takoudis and N. A. Peppas, “Kinetic Modeling of Copolymerization-Crosslinking Reactions,” J. Macromol. 19, 2174-2182 (1986).
- Mikos A. G., C. G. Takoudis and N. A. Peppas, “Reaction Engineering Aspects of Suspension Polymerization,” J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 31, 2647-2659 (1986).
- Wilke T., K. A. Turner and C. G. Takoudis, “Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Under Reduced Pressure in Hot-Wall Reactors,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 41, 643-650 (1986).
- Mikos A. G., C. G. Takoudis and N. A. Peppas, “Evidence of Unequal Vinyl Group Reactivity in Copolymerization/Crosslinking Reactions of Mono- and Divinyl Comonomers,” Polymer 28, 998-1004 (1987).
- Polizopoulos I. and C. G. Takoudis, “Singularity Theory and the Dynamics of Lumped-Parameter Systems. The Case of a Single Surface Species Catalytic Reaction,” Chem. Eng. Comm. 58, 377-395 (1987).
- Takoudis, C.G., “Fundamentals of Microelectronics Processing (VLSI),” Chem. Eng. Educ. 21, 170-172 (1987).
- Kastelic M., I.-H. Oh, C. G. Takoudis, J. A. Friedrich and G. W. Neudeck, “Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon in Pancake Reactors,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 43, 2031-2036 (1988).
- Ravi R., and C. G. Takoudis, “Bifurcations Due to an Auto-Catalytic Reaction in a CSTR,” Chem. Eng. Comm. 79, 65-83 (1989).
- Friedrich J.A., M. M. Kastelic, G. W. Neudeck and C. G. Takoudis, “The Dependence of Silicon Selective Epitaxial Growth Rates on Masking Oxide Thickness,” J. Appl. Phys. 65, 1713-1716 (1989).
- Takoudis C.G. and M. M. Kastelic, “Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon in a Barrel Reactor,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 44, 2049-2062 (1989).
- Gaynor W. and C. G. Takoudis, “Design Considerations for the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide”, Electrochem. Soc. 90-12, 354-360 (1990).
- Takoudis C.G., “Chemical Vapor Deposition Epitaxy on Patternless and Patterned Substrates,” Chem. Eng. Educ. 24, 42-47 (1990).
- Oh I.-H. and C. G. Takoudis, “Modeling of Chemical Vapor Deposition in Pancake Reactor Systems”, Electrochem. Soc. 90-12, 75-81 (1990).
- Kastelic M., J. Friedrich, I.-H. Oh, G. W. Neudeck and C. G. Takoudis, “Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon in Cold-Wall Pancake Reactor Systems”, Electrochem. Soc. 90-12, 318-324 (1990).
- Oh I.-H., C. G. Takoudis and G. W. Neudeck, “Mathematical Modeling of the Epitaxial Silicon Growth in Pancake Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactors,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 138, 554-567 (1991).
- Wilke T, X. Gao, C. G. Takoudis and M. J. Weaver, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as a Probe of Adsorption at Transition Metal-High Pressure Gas Interfaces: NO, CO, and Oxygen on Platinum-, Rhodium- and Ruthenium-Coated Gold,” Langmuir 7, 714-721 (1991).
- Wilke T., X. Gao, C. G. Takoudis and M. J. Weaver, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy at Transition Metal-Gas Interfaces: Adsorption and Reactions of Sulfur Dioxide on Platinum-, Rhodium- and Ruthenium-Coated Gold,” J. Catal. 130, 62-75 (1991).
- Oh I.-H. and C. G. Takoudis, “Modeling of Epitaxial Silicon Growth from the SiH2Cl2-H2-HCl System in an RF-Heated Pancake Reactor,” J. Appl. Phys. 69, 8336-8345 (1991).
- Ravi R. and C.G. Takoudis, “Unimolecular Decomposition of Phosphine in Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactors,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 139, 1994-2001 (1992).
- Tolia A., T. Wilke, M.J. Weaver and C.G. Takoudis, “Real-Time Measurements of Reaction Intermediates and Adsorbed Species in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction Systems,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 47, 2781-2786 (1992).
- Frost R., K. Mordaunt, S.-K. Yang, G.W. Neudeck and C.G. Takoudis, “Fundamental Studies on the Selective Epitaxial Growth of Silicon-Based Films,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 47, 2969-2974 (1992).
- Tolia A., M.J. Weaver and C.G. Takoudis, “An in situ Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Study of CO Oxidation by NO and O2 over Rhodium-Coated Gold Surfaces,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 11, 2013-2018 (1993).
- Ravi R. and C.G. Takoudis, “Binding Energies of H and Cl on Si(111),” J. Electrochem. Soc. 140, 195-200 (1993).
- Tolia A.A., R.J. Smiley, W.N. Delgass, C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Surface Oxidation of Rhodium at Ambient Pressures as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies,” J. Catal. 150, 56-70 (1994).
- Hoffman C.M., E.N. Houstis, J.R. Rice, A.C. Catlin, M. Gaitatzes, S. Weerawarana, N.-H. L. Wang, C.G. Takoudis and D.G. Taylor, “SoftLab – A Virtual Laboratory for Computational Science,” Math. & Comp. in Simulat. 36, 479-491 (1994).
- Yang S.-K., S. Peter and C.G. Takoudis, “On the Fundamentals of Two Step Etching Techniques for Ideal Silicon-Hydrogen Termination of Silicon(111),” J. Appl. Phys. 76, 4107-4112 (1994).
- Tolia A.A., C.T. Williams, C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as an In-Situ Real-Time Probe of Catalytic Mechanisms at High Gas Pressures: The CO-NO Reaction on Rhodium,” J. Phys. Chem. 99, 4599-4608 (1995).
- Tolia A.A., C.T. Williams, M.J. Weaver and C.G. Takoudis, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as an In-Situ Real-Time Probe of Catalytic Mechanisms at High Gas Pressures: The NO-H2 Reaction on Rhodium,” Langmuir 11, 3438-3446 (1995).
- Lee I-M., W.-C. Wang, G.W. Neudeck and C.G. Takoudis, “Kinetics and Modeling of Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition of Si1-xGex Epitaxial Thin Films,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 51, 2681-2686 (1996).
- Lee I-M., G.W. Neudeck and C.G. Takoudis, “Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition of Epitaxial Silicon-Germanium, Epitaxial Silicon and Poly-Silicon,” Electrochem Soc. 96-5, 107-112 (1996).
- Panczyk C. and C.G. Takoudis, “In Situ Infrared Emission Spectroscopy During Silicon Chemical Vapor Deposition,” Electrochem Soc. 96-5, 183-188 (1996).
- Williams C.T., A.A. Tolia, M.J. Weaver and C.G. Takoudis, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as an In-Situ Real-Time Probe NO Reduction over Rhodium at High Gas Pressures,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 51, 1673-1682 (1996).
- Lee I.-M. and C.G. Takoudis, “Process-Property Relationships in Si1-xGex Chemical Vapor Deposition – Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 143, 1719-1726 (1996).
- Williams C.T., A.A. Tolia, H. Chan, C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as an In Situ Real-Time Probe of Catalytic Mechanisms at High Gas Pressures: The CO-NO Reaction on Platinum and Palladium,” J. Catal. 163, 63-76 (1996).
- Gaynor W., G.W. Neudeck and C.G. Takoudis, “Process-Property Relationships Between Silicon Selective Epitaxial Growth Ambients and Degradation of Insulators,” J. Vac. Sci Techn. A 14, 3224-3227 (1996).
- Wang W.-C., J.P. Denton, G.W. Neudeck, I-M. Lee, C.G. Takoudis, M.T.K. Koh, and E.P. Kvam, “Selective Epitaxial Growth of Si1-xGex/Si Strained-Layers in a Tubular Hot-Wall LPCVD System,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn. B 15, 138-141 (1997).
- Lee I-M., W.-C. Wang, M.T.K. Koh, J.P. Denton, E.P. Kvam, G.W. Neudeck, and C.G. Takoudis, “Selective Epitaxial Growth of Strained Silicon-Germanium Films in Tubular Hot-Wall Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition Systems,” MRS Symposium Series 448, 265-270 (1997).
- Lee I-M., C.G. Takoudis, W.-C. Wang, J.P. Denton, G.W. Neudeck, M.T.K. Koh, and E.P. Kvam, “Process Improvements in the Selective Epitaxial Growth of Si1-xGex/Si Strained-Layers in a Conventional Hot-Wall LPCVD System,” J. Electrochem Soc. 144, 1095-1099 (1997).
- Singhvi S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Furnace Silicon Oxynitridation in Nitrous Oxide Ambients,” Electrochem. Soc. 97-25, 1364-1371 (1997).
- Williams C.T., C.A. Black, M.J. Weaver and C.G. Takoudis, “Adsorption and Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide on Polycrystalline Rhodium at High Gas Pressures,” J. Phys. Chem. 101, 2874-2883 (1997).
- Kongetira P., G.W. Neudeck and C.G. Takoudis, “An Expression for the Growth Rate of Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) of Silicon Using Dichlorosilane-HCl-H2 in a LPCVD Pancake Reactor,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn. B 15, 1902-1907 (1997).
- Lee I-M., A. Jansons and C.G. Takoudis, “Water Vapor and Chlorine Effects on the Epitaxial Growth of SiGe Films by CVD,” Electrochem. Soc. 97-25, 123-130 (1997).
- Panczyk C. and C.G. Takoudis, “Emission Infrared Spectroscopy as an In Situ Probe of CVD at High Gas Pressures – The Epitaxial Silicon CVD,” Electrochem. Soc. 97-25, 652-659 (1997).
- Singhvi S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Growth Kinetics of Furnace Silicon Oxynitridation in Nitrous Oxide Ambients,” J. Appl. Phys. 82, 442-448 (1997).
- Lee I-M., A. Jansons and C.G. Takoudis, ” Effects of Water Vapor and Chlorine on the Epitaxial Growth of SiGe Films by Chemical Vapor Deposition – Thermodynamic Analysis,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn. B 15, 880-885 (1997).
- Lee I-M., W.-C. Wang, J.P. Denton, M.T.K. Koh, C.G. Takoudis, E.P. Kvam, and G.W. Neudeck, “Selective Epitaxial Growth of SiGe Films in LPCVD Reactor Systems – Characterization of SiGe Films by Ellipsomety,” Electrochem Soc. 97-25, 1348-1355 (1997).
- Williams C.T., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Raman Spectral Evidence of Reactive Oxide Formation During Methanol Oxidation on Polycrystalline Rhodium at High Gas Pressures,” J. Catal. 170, 207-210 (1997).
- Geiger C.D., R. Hase, C.G. Takoudis and R. Uzsoy, “Alternative Facility Layouts for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities,” IEEE / Comp. Pack. Manuf. Technol. Part C 20, 152-163 (1997).
- Chan H. Y., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “High Pressure Oxidation of Ruthenium as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies,” J. Catal. 172, 336-345 (1997).
- Lee I-M. and C.G. Takoudis, ” Analysis and Characterization of Native Oxide Growth on Epitaxial Si1-xGex Films after a Chemical Clean,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn. A 15, 3154-3157 (1997).
- Chan H. Y., C.T. Williams, M.J. Weaver and C.G. Takoudis, “Methanol Oxidation on Palladium Compared to Rhodium at Ambient Pressures as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman and Mass Spectroscopies,” J. Catal. 174, 191-200 (1998).
- Williams C.T., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Methanol Oxidation on Rhodium as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman and Mass Spectroscopies: Adsorbate Stability, Reactivity and Catalytic Relevance,” J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 406-416 (1998).
- Williams C.T., E. K.-Y. Chen, C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Reduction Kinetics of Surface Rhodium Oxide by Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide at Ambient Gas Pressures as Probed by Transient Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 4785-4794 (1998).
- Williams C.T., H.Y.H. Chan, A.A. Tolia, M.J. Weaver, and C.G. Takoudis, “In Situ Real-Time Studies of Heterogeneous Catalytic Mechanisms at Ambient Pressures as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman and Mass Spectroscopies,” J. I & EC Research 37, 2307-2315 (1998).
- Weaver M.J., C.T. Williams, S. Zou, H.Y.H. Chan, and C.G. Takoudis, “Surface Potentials of Metal-Gas Compared with Analogous Electrochemical Interfaces as Probed by Adsorbate Vibrational Frequencies,” Catalysis Lett. 52, 181-190 (1998).
- Dang S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Instruction via Web-Based Semiconductor Simulation Tools,” Chem. Eng. Educ. 32, 242-245 (1998).
- Chan H. Y., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Electrochemical Control of Gas-Phase Oxidation and Reduction of Copper as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” Electrochem. & Solid-State Lett. 2, 189-191 (1999).
- Dang S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Optimal Nitrogen Incorporation Near Top and Bottom Surfaces of Ultra-thin Silicon Oxynitrides,” Electrochem Soc. 99-6, 185-192 (1999).
- Chan H. Y., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Interfacial Chemistry of Copper Relevant to Chemical Mechanical Polishing as Elucidated by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” MRS Symposium Series 437, 265-270 (1999).
- Christos G. Takoudis, Sanjit Singh Dang, Gerd Duscher, Nigel D. Browning, and Stephen J. Pennycook, “Silicon Suboxide Growth Over Planar SiO2/Si Interface in Pure N2O Ambients,” Electrochem Soc. 99-6, 240-249 (1999).
- Dang S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Gas and Solid Phase Variations in Silicon Oxynitridation Along a Furnace Length,” Electrochem Soc. 99-6, 143-154 (1999).
- Chan H. Y., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “Oxide Film Formation and Oxygen Adsorption on Copper in Aqueous Media as Probed by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 357-365 (1999).
- Richardson C. and C.G. Takoudis, “Process-Property Relationships of SiC Chemical Vapor Deposition in the Si/H/C/O System,” J. Electrochem Soc. 146, 3270-3276 (1999).
- Dang S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Optimization of Bimodal Nitrogen Concentration Profiles in Silicon Oxynitrides,” J. Appl. Phys. 86, 1326-1330 (1999).
- Chan H. Y., C.G. Takoudis and M.J. Weaver, “In-Situ Monitoring of Chemical Vapor Deposition at Ambient Pressures by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Initial Growth of Tantalum(V) Oxide on Platinum,” J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 121, 9219-9220 (1999).
- Madsen J., Z. Cui and C.G. Takoudis, “Low Temperature Oxidation of SiGe in Ozone – Ultra Thin Oxides,” J. Appl. Phys. 87, 2046-2051 (2000).
- Dang S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Angled-Resolved XPS Studies of Interfacial Bonding States in Silicon Oxynitrides Fabricated Using Different Methodologies”, MRS Symposium Series 586, 99-104 (2000).
- Dang S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Process Improvements for Reductions in Total Charge and Interface Trap Densities of Thermally-Grown Sub-3.5nm-Thick Silicon Nitrides”, MRS Symposium Series 592, 213-218 (2000).
- Dang, S.S. and C.G. Takoudis, “Rate-Limiting Steps during Nitrogen Incorporation in Furnace-grown Silicon Oxynitrides: Effects on Wafer-to-wafer Uniformity,” Thin Solid Films 366, 225-231 (2000).
- Cui Z., J. Madsen and C.G. Takoudis, “Rapid Thermal Oxidation of Silicon in Ozone,” J. Appl. Phys. 87, 8181-8186 (2000).
- Dang, S.S., R. Matthes and C.G. Takoudis, “A Web-Based Course in Chemical Engineering: ‘Fundamentals and Design of Microelectronics Processing’,” Chem. Eng. Educ.34, 350-355 (2000).
- Cui Z. and C.G. Takoudis, “Characterization of Ultrathin Silicon Oxide Films with Mirror-Enhanced Polarized Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,” J. Appl. Phys.89, 5170-5176 (2001).
- Cui, Z. and C.G. Takoudis, “Design and simulation of a vacuum micropump,” SPIE, Microfluidics and BioMEMS 4560, 263-273, (2001).
- Dasgupta A. and C.G. Takoudis, “Process – Structure Relationships of Nitrided Oxides and Oxynitrides,” MRS Symposium Series 686, 255-260 (2002).
- Loukeris C., S, Khan and C.G. Takoudis, “Apriori Process – Property Relationships of GaN Epitaxial Growth in Ga/N/H/C/O Systems,” MRS Symposium Series 693, 99-104 (2002).
- Dasgupta A., S.S. Dang, R.A. Matthes and C.G. Takoudis, “Web-Based Instruction on the Fundamentals and Design of Micro- and Nano-Electronic Processes: Innovations, Challenges, and Benefits,” International Journal of Engineering Education 18, 539-549 (2002).
- Roy Chowdhuri A., C.G. Takoudis, R.F. Klie, and N.D. Browning, “MOCVD of Aluminum Oxide on Si: Evidence of Interface SiO2 Formation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 4241-4243 (2002).
- Dasgupta A. and C.G. Takoudis, “Low Temperature Oxynitridation of SiGe in NO/N2O Ambients,” MRS Symposium Series 715, 503-508 (2002).
- Dasgupta A. C.G. Takoudis, and G. Martel, “On the Argon annealing-based improvements of the properties of ultra-thin oxynitrides nitrided with NH3,” MRS Symposium Series 716, 177-182 (2002).
- Dasgupta A. and C.G. Takoudis, ”Growth kinetics of thermal silicon oxynitridation in nitric oxide ambient,” Journal of Applied Physics 93, 3615-3618 (2003).
- Dasgupta A. and C.G. Takoudis, “Two-step processes for bimodal N concentration profiles in ultra-thin silicon oxynitrides,” Thin Solid Films 436, 162-167 (2003).
- Roy Chowdhuri A., Dong-Un Jin, C. G. Takoudis, “Experimental and Theoretical Studied of the Si(100)/SiO2 Interface Formed by Wet and Dry Oxidation,” MRS Symposium Series 747, 329-334 (2003).
- Roy Chowdhuri A. and C.G. Takoudis, Quantitative estimation of strain and substoichiometry near the SiO2/Si(100) interface,” Thin Solid Films 457, 402-405 (2004).
- Roy Chowdhuri A., C. G. Takoudis, R. F. Klie, N. D. Browning, “SiO2 Formation at the Aluminum Oxide/Si(100) Interface”, MRS Symposium Series 747, 335-340 (2003).
- Klie R.F., N.D. Browning, A. Roy Chowdhuri, and C.G. Takoudis,, “Analysis of ultra-thin SiO2 interface layers in chemical vapor deposition of Al2O3 on Si by in-situ STEM,” Applied Physics Letters 83, 1187-1189 (2003).
- Dasgupta A., A. Roy Chowdhuri and C. G. Takoudis, “Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of aluminum oxide on silicon nitride,” MRS Symposium Series 751, 133-138 (2003).
- Cui Z. and C.G. Takoudis, “Initial Oxidation of H-terminated Si((100) in O3(950 ppm)/O2 and Pure O2,” J. Electrochem. Soc 150., G694-701 (2003).
- Roy Chowdhuri A., D.-U. Jin, J. Rosado, C. G. Takoudis, “Strain and substoichiometry at the Si(100)/silicon dioxide interface,” Phys. Rev. B 67., 245305/1-245305/7 (2003).
- Roy Chowdhuri A. and C.G. Takoudis, Investigation of the aluminum oxide/Si(100) interface formed by chemical vapor deposition,” Thin Solid Films 446, 155-159 (2004).
- Dasgupta A. and C. G. Takoudis, “Low temperature Si0.85Ge0.15 oxynitridation in wet-nitric oxide ambient,” MRS Symposium Series 765, 127-132 (2003).
- Dasgupta A., C.G. Takoudis, Y. Lei, and N.D. Browning, “Si0.85Ge0.15 oxynitridation in nitric oxide/nitrous oxide ambient,” J. Applied Physics 94, 716-719 (2003).
- Jin Do.-U., C. G. Takoudis, J. Zhang, P. W. Brazis, and D. Gamota, “Novel Roll-to-Roll Metal Patterning on Flexible Substrates for Thin Organic Field Effect Transistor Technology,” MRS Symposium Series EXS-2 (Nontraditional Approaches to Patterning), 51-53 (2004).
- Dasgupta A., D.-U. Jin, C.G. Takoudis, “Film strain and compositional changes in thermally nitrided silicon dioxide thin films,” Thin Solid Films 472, 270-4 (2005).
- Deshpande A., R. Inman, G. Jursich, C.G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition and Characterization of Hafnium Oxide Grown on Silicon from tetrakis(diethylamino)Hafnium and Water Vapor,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 2035-2040 (2004).
- Cui Z., J.M. Madsen, C.G. Takoudis, “A Thermal Processing System for Microelectronic Materials,” Measurement Science and Technology 15, 2099-2107 (2004).
- Dasgupta A., C.G. Takoudis, Y. Lei, N.D. Browning, “Si0.85Ge0.15 oxynitridation in wet-nitric oxide ambient,” Microelectronic Engineering 77, 242-249 (2005).
- Jin D.-U., A. R. Chowdhuri, C.G. Takoudis, J. Zhang, D. Gamota, “Metal patterning on flexible substrates suitable for roll-to-roll processes,” Digest of Technical Papers – Society for Information Display International Symposium 34, 359-361 (2003)
- Murali S., A. Deshpande, C.G. Takoudis, “Modeling of the Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tantalum Oxide from Tantalum Ethoxide and Oxygen,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 44, 6387-6392 (2005).
- Deshpande A., R. Inman, G. Jursich, C.G. Takoudis, “Characterization of hafnium oxide grown on silicon by atomic layer deposition: Interface structure,” Microelectronic engineering 83, 547-552 (2006).
- Deshpande A., R. Inman, G. Jursich, C.G. Takoudis, “Annealing Behavior of Atomic Layer Deposited Hafnium Oxide on Silicon: Changes at the Interface,” J. Appl. Phys. 99, 094102/1-094102/7 (2006).
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, C.G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition and Characterization of Aluminum Oxide Deposited on Si(100) using tris(diethylamino) Aluminum and Water Vapor,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 153, C701-706 (2006).
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, C.G. Takoudis, “Controlling interfacial reactions between HfO2 and Si using ultrathin Al2O3 diffusion barrier layer,” Applied Physics Letters 89, 262906/1-262906/3 (2006).
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, A. Nicholls, C.G. Takoudis, “Post deposition annealing of aluminum oxide deposited by atomic layer deposition using novel tris(diethylamino)aluminum and water vapor on Si(100),” Thin Solid Films 515, 6931-6937 (2007).
- Song X., C.G. Takoudis, “Effect of NH3 on the low pressure chemical vapor deposition of TiO2 film at low temperature using tetrakis(diethylamino)titanium and oxygen,” J. Vac. Sci. Techn. A 25, 360-367 (2007)
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, C.G. Takoudis, “ALD and characterization of aluminum oxide deposited on Si(100) using tris(diethylamino) aluminum and water vapor,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154, S5 (2007).
- Song X., C.G. Takoudis, “Cyclic chemical vapor deposited TiO2/Al2O3 films using trimethyl aluminum, tetrakis(diethylamino)titanium and O2,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society G177-182, 154 (2007)
- Singh M.K., Rosado J., Katamreddy R., Deshpande A., C.G. Takoudis, “Investigation of Local Coordination and Electronic Structure of Dielectric Thin Films from Theoretical Energy-loss Spectra, in Characterization of Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces for CMOS Technologies,” MRS Symposium Series 996E, 33-38 (2007).
- Singh M.K., Katamreddy R., C.G. Takoudis, “Effect of Oxidizer on Chemical Vapor Deposited Hafnium oxide-based Nanostructures and the Engineering of their Interfaces with Si(100), in Characterization of Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces for CMOS Technologies,” MRS Symposium Series 996E, 69-74 (2007).
- Majumder P., Katamreddy R., C.G. Takoudis “Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposited Ultrathin HfO2 Film as a Diffusion Barrier in Cu Metallization,” in Materials, Processes, Integration and Reliability in Advanced Interconnects for Micro- and Nanoelectronics, MRS Symposium Series 990, 97-102 (2007).
- Majumder P., Katamreddy R., C.G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposited Ultrathin HfO2 and Al2O3 Films as Diffusion Barriers in Copper Interconnects,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 10, H291-H295 (2007).
- Majumder P., Katamreddy R., C.G. Takoudis, “Effect of film thickness on the breakdown temperature of atomic layer deposited ultrathin HfO2 and Al2O3 diffusion barriers in copper metallization,” Journal of Crystal Growth 309, 12-17 (2007).
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, C.G. Takoudis, “Atomic layer deposition of HfO2, Al2O3 and HfAlOx using O3 and metal(diethylamino) precursors,” Journal of Materials Research 22, 3455-3464 (2007)
- Majumder P., M. Tiwari, C. Megaridis, M. Xu, J.McAndrew, C.G. Takoudis, “Evaluation and Testing of Organometallic Precursor for Copper Direct-Write,” MRS Symposium Series 1002E, 23-29 (2007)
- Majumder P., C.G. Takoudis, “Investigation on the diffusion barrier properties of sputtered Mo/W-N thin films in Cu interconnects,” Applied Physics Letters 91, 162108/1-162108/3 (2007)
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, C.G. Takoudis, “Effect of film composition and structure on the crystallization point of atomic layer deposited HfAlOx using metal (diethylamino) precursors and ozone,” Acta Materialia 56, 710-718 (2008)
- Song X., D. Gopireddy, C.G. Takoudis, “Characterization of titanium oxynitride films deposited by low pressure chemical vapor deposition using amide Ti precursor,” Thin Solid Films 516, 6330-6335 (2008).
- Piret F., Singh M., Takoudis C. G., Su B.-L., “Optical properties in the UV range of a Ta2O5 inverse opal photonic crystal designed by MOCVD,” Chemical Physics Letters 453, 87-91 (2008).
- Majumder P., C.G. Takoudis, “Thermal stability of Ti/Mo and Ti/MoN nanostructures for barrier applications in Cu interconnects,” Nanotechnology 19, 205202/1-205202/5 (2008).
- Majumder P., G. Jursich, A. Kueltzo, C.G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition of Y2O3 Films on Silicon Using Tris (Ethylcyclopentadienyl) Yttrium Precursor and Water Vapor,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155, G152-G158 (2008).
- Gopireddy D., C.G. Takoudis, “Diffusion-reaction modeling of the silicon oxide interlayer growth during thermal annealing of high dielectric constant materials on silicon,” Physical Review B 77, 205304/1-205304/9 (2008).
- Katamreddy R., R. Inman, G. Jursich, A. Soulet, C.G. Takoudis, “Nitridation and oxynitridation of Si to control interfacial reaction with HfO2,” Thin Solid Films 516, 8498-8506 (2008).
- Singh M., Y. Yang, C.G. Takoudis, “Low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of Fe2O3 thin films on Si(100) using n-butylferrocene and oxygen,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155, D618-D623 (2008)
- Katamreddy R., B. Feist, C.G. Takoudis, “Bis(diethylamino) silane as the silicon precursor in the atomic layer deposition of HfSiOx,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155, G163-G167 (2008)
- Majumder P., C.G. Takoudis, “Reactively Sputtered Mo-V nitride Thin Films as Ternary Diffusion Barriers for Copper Metallization,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155, H703-H706 (2008)
- Seo P.-S, J.-J. Jeong, L. Zeng, C.G. Takoudis, B.J. Quinn, A.A. Khan, T. Hanada, A.H. Chishti, “Alternatively spliced exon 5 of the FERM domain of Protein 4.1R encodes a novel ninding site for erythrocyte p55 and is critical for membrane targeting in epithelial cells” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Cell Research 1793, 281-289 (2009)
- Chian W.W., C.G. Takoudis, S.H. Lee, A. Weis-McNulty, R. Glick, N. Alperin, “Relationship between Ventricular Morphology and Aqueductal Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow in Healthy and Communicating Hydrocephalus,” Investigative Radiology 44, 192-199 (2009)
- Seo P.-S, B. J. Quinn, A.A. Khan, L. Zeng, C.G. Takoudis, T. Hanada, A. Bolis, A. Bolino, A.H. Chishti, “Identification of erythrocyte p55/MPP1 as a binding partner of NF2 tumor suppressor protein/Merlin,” Experimental Biology and Medicine 234, 255-262 (2009)
- Singh M., Y. Yang, C.G. Takoudis, A. Tatarenko, G. Srinivasan, P. Kharel, G. Lawes, “Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposited BiFeO3 films for tunable high-frequency devices,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 12, H161 – H164 (2009).
- Katamreddy R., V. Omarjee, B. Feist, C. Dussarrat, M. Singh, C. Takoudis, “Tuning of material and electrical properties of strontium titanates using process chemistry and composition,” ECS Transactions 16, 487-496 (2008).
- Majumder P., G. Jursich, C. Takoudis, “Structural phase transformation of Y2O3 doped HfO2 films grown on Si using atomic layer deposition,” J. Appl. Phys. 105, 104106/1-104106/6 (2009)
- Tao Q., G. Jursich, P. Majumder, M., W. Walkosz, P. Gu, R. Klie, C. Takoudis “Composition-structure-dielectric property of yttrium-doped hafnium oxide films deposited by atomic layer deposition,” Electrochem. Solid State Lett. 12, G50-G53 (2009)
- Singh M.K., Y. Yang, C.G. Takoudis, “Synthesis of multifunctional multiferroic materials from metalorganics,” Coordination Chemistry Reviews 253, 2920-2934 (2009) (invited)
- Singh M., Y. Yang, C.G. Takoudis, A. Tatarenko, G. Srinivasan, P. Kharel, G. Lawes, “Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films for Multifunctional Devices,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 6195-6199 (2010).
- Rasul A., J. Zhang, D. Gamota, C.G. Takoudis, “Flexible high capacitance nanocomposite gate insulator for printed organic field effect transistors,” Thin Solid Films 518, 7024-7028 (2010).
- Tao Q., G. Jursich, C.G. Takoudis, “Selective atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on copper patterned silicon substrates” Applied Physics Letters 96, 192105/1-192105/3 (2010).
- Jiang L., J. Zhang, D. Gamota, C.G. Takoudis, “Organic thin film transistors with novel thermally cross-linked dielectric and printed electrodes on flexible substrates,” Organic Electronics 11, 959-963 (2010).
- Jiang L., J. Zhang, D. Gamota, C.G. Takoudis, “Enhancement of the field-effect mobility of solution processed organic thin film transistors by surface modification of the dielectric,” Organic Electronics 11, 344-350 (2010).
- Tao Q., A. Kueltzo, M. Singh, G. Jursich, C.G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition of HfO2, TiO2, and HfxTi1-xO2 Using Metal (Diethylamino) Precursors and H2O J. Electrochem. Soc. 158, G27-G33 (2011).
- Tao Q., G. Jursich, C.G. Takoudis, “Investigation of Surface Sputtering and Post Annealing Effects on Atomic Layer Deposited HfO2 and TiO2,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 24, 17-22 (2011) (invited)
- Banerjee K., J. Huang, S. Ghosh, R. Xu, C. G. Takoudis, E. Plis, S. Krishna, S. Ketharanathan, M. Chriss, “Surface study of thioacetamide and zinc sulfide passivated long wavelength infrared type-II strained layer superlattice,” SPIE 8012, 801243/1-801243/8 (2011)
- Xu R., J. Huang, S. Ghosh, C. G. Takoudis, “Deposition and Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposited ZnS Thin Films on p-type GaSb(100) Using Diethylzinc Precursor and Hydrogen Sulfide,” ECS Transactions 41, 229-236 (2011)
- Rasul, Amjad; Zhang, Jie; Gamota, Dan; Takoudis, Christos, “High K nanocomposite dielectric for printed organic electronics applications,” Microelectronic Engineering 93, 95-99 (2012)
- Xu, Runshen; Takoudis, Christos G.,”Chemical passivation of GaSb-based surfaces by atomic layer deposited ZnS using diethylzinc and hydrogen sulfide,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 30, 01A145/1-01A145/8 (2012)
- Qian Tao, Kirsten Overhage, Gregory Jursich, Christos Takoudis, “On the Initial Growth of Atomic Layer Deposited TiO2 Films on Silicon and Copper Surfaces,” Thin Solid Films 520, 6752-6756 (2012)
- Runshen Xu, Qian Tao, Yi Yang, Christos G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition and Characterization of Stoichiometric Erbium Oxide Thin Dielectrics on Si(100) using (CpMe)3Er Precursor and Ozone,” Applied Surface Science 258, 8514-8520 (2012)
- Runshen Xu, Christos G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition and Characterization of Amorphous ErxTi1-xOy Dielectric Thin Films,” ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 1, N107-N114 (2012)
- Runshen Xu, Sathees Selvaraj, Nasim Azimi, Christos G. Takoudis, “Growth characteristics and properties of yttrium oxide films by ALD from novel Y(iPrCp)3 precursor and O3,” ECS Transactions 50, issue 13, 107-116 (2012)
- “Runshen Xu, Sathees Kannan Selvaraj, Gregory Jursich, Alan Feinerman, Christos Takoudis, Nucleation Behavior-Morphology-Resistivity of Atomic Layer Deposited Pt on Atomic Layer Deposited Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Films,” Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 2, 452 (2013)
- Sathees Kannan Selvaraj, Gregory Jursich, Christos G Takoudis “Design and implementation of a novel portable atomic layer deposition / chemical vapor deposition hybrid reactor,” Review Scientific Instruments 84, 095109.1-7 (2013)
- Royhman D, Yuan J.C., Shokuhfar T., Takoudis C.G., Sukotjo C., M.T. Mathew“Tribocorrosive behaviour of commonly used TMJ implants in a synovial fluid-like environment: Ti-6Al-4V and CoCrMo,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 404002.1-9 (2013)
- Azimi Nasim, Wei Weng, Christos Takoudis, Zhengcheng Zhang, “Improved Performance of Lithium-Sulfur Battery with Fluorinated Electrolyte,” Electrochemistry Communications 37, 96-99 (2013)
- Dmitry Royhman, Xochitl Dominguez-Benetton, Judy Chia-Chun Yuan, Tolou Shokuhfar, Christos Takoudis, Mathew T Mathew, and Cortino Sukotjo, “The Role of Nicotine on the Corrosive Behavior of a Ti-6Al-4V Dental Implant”, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, in press (2014)
- Arman Butt, Sweetu B. Patel, Azhang Hamlekhan, Dmitry Royhman, Tolou Shokuhfar, Cortino Sukotjo, Mathew T. Mathew and Christos G. Takoudis, “A Novel Investigation of the Formation of TiO2 Nanotubes on Thermally Formed Oxide of Ti-6Al-4V,” Journal of Oral Implantology, in press (2014)
- Sathees Kannan Selvaraj, Albert Colon, Jorge Ivan Rossero, Junxia Shi, and Christos G. Takoudis, “Effect of Using Ethanol as the Oxygen Source on the Growth and Dielectric Behavior of Atomic Layer Deposited Hafnium Oxide,” ECS Transactions 61 (6), 93-102 (2014)
- Sweetu Patel, Arman Butt, Qian Tao, Jorge Ivan Rossero, Dmitry Royhman, Cortino Sukotjo and Christos Takoudis, “Novel Functionalization of Ti-V Alloy and Ti-II using Atomic Layer Deposition for Improved Surface Wettability,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Journal, Volume 115, 1 March 2014, Pages 280–285 (2014)
- Sathees Kannan Selvaraj, Alan Feinerman and Christos G Takoudis, “Growth behavior and properties of atomic layer deposited tin oxide on silicon from novel tin(II)acetylacetonate precursor and ozone”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 32, 01A112 (2014)
- Sweetu B. Patel, Azhang Hamlekhan, Dmitry Royhman, Arman Butt, Judy Yuan, Tolou Shokuhfar, Cortino Sukotjo, Mathew T. Mathew, Gregory Jursich, Christos G. Takoudis, “Enhancing Surface Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V for Bio-implants Using Integrated Anodization and Thermal Oxidation,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2(23), 3597-3608 (2014).
- Azhang Hamlekhan, Arman Butt, Sweetu Patel, Dmitry Royhman, Christos Takoudis, Cortino Sukotjo, Judy Yuan, Gregory Jursich, Mathew T. Mathew, William Hendrickson, Tolou Shokuhfar, “Fabrication of Anti-aging TiO2 nanotubes on Biomedical Ti alloys,” PLoS One 9, e96213/1 – e96213/10 (2014)
- Sathees Kannan Selvaraj, Jaya Parulekar and Christos G Takoudis, “Selective atomic layer deposition of zirconia on copper patterned silicon substrates using ethanol as oxygen source as well as copper reductant”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 32, 010601 (2014).
- Y. Yang, Q. Tao, G. Srinivasan, C. G. Takoudis “Cyclic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Nickel Ferrite Thin Films using Novel Organometallic Precursor Combination”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 3, P345-352 (2014).
- Peter K. Rossman, Anirudh Dube, Tolou Shokufar, Christos Takoudis, Cortino Sukotjo, Mathew T. Mathew, “Tribocorrosion Apparatus for Biomedical Applications: Construction and Initial Outcomes, Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science 4, 21-28 (2014).
- Sathees Kannan Selvaraj and Christos G Takoudis, “Scalable control program for multi-precursor flow-type atomic layer deposition system”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 33, 013201 (2015)
- Nasim Azimi, Zheng Xue, Nancy Dietz Rago, Christos Takoudis , Mikhail L. Gordin, Jiangxuan Song, Donghai Wang, Zhengcheng Zhang, “Fluorinated Electrolytes for Li-S Battery: Suppressing the Self-discharge with an Electrolyte Containing Fluoroether Solvent” Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162, A64-A68 (2015)
- Arman Butt, Newton B. Lucchiari Jr., Dmitry Royhman, Maria J. Runa, Mathew T. Mathew, Cortino Sukotjo, Christos G. Takoudis, “Design, Development and Testing of a Compact Tribocorrosion Apparatus for Biomedical Applications,” Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion, 1:4, 1 (2014) (2014)
- A. Hamlekhan, C. Takoudis, C. Sukotjo, M.T. Mathew, A. Virdi, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, T. Shokuhfar, “Recent Progress Toward Surface Modification of Bone/Dental Implants with Titanium and Zirconia Dioxide Nanotubes,” Journal of Nanotechnology and Smart Materials 1, 301 (2014)
- Nasim Azimi , Zheng Xue , Libo Hu , Christos Takoudis, Shengshui Zhang , and Zhengcheng Zhang,“Additive Effect on the Electrochemical Performance of Lithium-Sulfur Battery” Electrochimica Acta 154, 205-210 (2015)
- Sweetu Patel, Giovanni Francesco Solitro, Cortino Sukotjo, Christos Takoudis, Mathew T. Mathew, Farid Amirouche, Tolou Shokuhfar , “Nano-Topography and Surface Stress Analysis of Ti6Al4V Bio-Implant: An alternative Design for Stability,” Journal of Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 67(11), 2518-2533 (2015).
- Azimi, Nasim; Xue, Zheng; Bloom, Ira; Gordin, Mikhail; Wang, Donghai; Daniel, Tad; Takoudis, Christos; Zhang, Zhengcheng, “Understanding the Effect of Fluorinated Ether on the Improved Performance of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 9169-9177 (2015)
- Hamlekhan, Azhang; Sinha-Ray, Suman; Takoudis, Christos; Mathew, Mathew; Sukotjo, Cortino; Yarin, Alexander; Shokuhfar, Tolou, “Fabrication of Drug Eluting Implants: Study of Drug Release Mechanism from Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48, 1-11 (2015)
- Xiaodan Cui, Alan D. Zdunek, Gregory Jursich, and Christos G. Takoudis, “Nanostructured Ni-YSZ by Atomic Layer Deposition,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 4 (12) P429-P435 (2015)
- John Grotberg, Azhang Hamlekhan, Arman Butt, Sweetu Patel, Dmitry Royhman, Tolou Shokuhfar, Cortino Sukotjo, Christos Takoudis, Mathew T. Mathew, “Thermally oxidized titania nanotubes enhance the corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V,” Materials Science and Engineering C, Materials for Biological Applications 59, 677-689 (2016)
- Siliang Chang, Sathees Kannan Selvaraj, Yoon-Young Choi, Seungbum Hong, Serge M. Nakhmanson, Christos G. Takoudis, “Atomic layer deposition of environmentally benign SnTiOx as a potential ferroelectric material,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, A 34, 01A119/1-5 (2016).
- Arghya K Bishal, Arman Butt, Sathees K. Selvaraj, Bela Joshi, Sweetu B. Patel, Su Huang, Bin Yang, Tolou Shukohfar, Cortino Sukotjo, Christos G. Takoudis, “Atomic Layer Deposition in Bio-Nanotechnology: A brief overview,” Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 43, 255-277 (2015)
- Isabella da Silva Vieira Marques, Maria Fernanda Alfaro, Nilson Cristino da Cruz, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita, Christos Takoudis, Cortino Sukotjo, Mathew T. Mathew, Valentim Adelino Ricardo Barão, “Tribocorrosion behavior of biofunctional titanium oxide films produced by micro-arc oxidation: Synergism and mechanisms,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 60, 8-21(2016)
- Isabella da Silva Vieira Marques, Maria Fernanda Alfaro, Miki Taketomi Saito, Nilson Cristino da Cruz, Christos Takoudis, Richard Landers, Marcelo Ferraz Mesquita, Francisco Humberto Nociti Junior, Mathew T. Mathew, Cortino Sukotjo, Valentim Adelino Ricardo Barão, “Biomimetic coatings enhance tribocorrosion behavior and cell responses of commercially pure titanium surfaces,” Biointerfaces 11, 031008 (2016)
- Ph.D., Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 1982.
- Diploma in Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1977.
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Chemical Engineering, Professor (8/1996 - ).
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Bioengineering, Professor (2/2005 - ).
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Adjunct Professor (2/2014 - ).
- Purdue University, School of Chemical Engineering, Professor (8/1995 - 7/1998), Associate Professor (8/1987 - 7/1995), Assistant Professor (12/1981 - 7/1987). University of Minnesota, Department of Chemical Engineering, Instructor (1/1981 - 12/1981).
- Biomedical Institute of Research and Technology, Greece, Visiting Professor (4/2008-8/2008). University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering, Visiting Professor (2/1990 - 6/1990). University of Leeds, School of Chemistry, Visiting Professor (1/1990 - 2/1990). Applied Materials, Epi Applications Lab, Santa Clara, Visiting Professor, (1/1988 - 2/1988).
- British Petroleum Research Centre, Sunbury-on-Thames, England, Research Engineer, (7/1975 - 9/1975).
Professional Memberships
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
- The Electrochemical Society (ECS)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- American Physical Society (APS)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- American Vacuum Society (AVS)
- Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE)
Research Currently in Progress
Atomic Layer Deposition of Multi-functional Materials
Selective Atomic Layer Deposition
Interactions of Peptides and Proteins
Biocompatibility of Implantable Biomedical Engineering Devices
New Materials and Processes for Dental Implants