Caswell A. Evans, DDS, MPH
Professor Emeritus
Division of Prevention and Public Health Sciences
Pediatric Dentistry
Building & Room:
UIC College of Dentistry 801 S. Paulina St, IL 60612
Caswell A. Evans, Jr., D.D.S., M.P.H., was the Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences at the University of Illinois, Chicago College of Dentistry; he is also a faculty member in the UIC School of Public Health. Previously he served as the Executive Editor and Project Director for Oral Health in America: A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General. For twelve years, Dr. Evans was Director of Public Health Programs and Services, for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences. He is a past president of the American Public Health Association, the American Association of Public Health Dentistry, and the American Board of Dental Public Health. Dr. Evans is Chairman of DentaQuest Foundation Board. He also serves on the Chicago Board of Health and the boards of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago, Oral Health America and the Children’s Dental Health Project.
Selected Publications
Evans CA, Dolce, MC, Garland, TE, et al. Oral Health in Public Health Practice, chapter 23, pp 406-423. In: Erwin PC and Brownson RC, eds. Scutchfield and Keck’s Principles of Public Health Practice. 4th edition. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2016; 580p.
Oral Health: An Essential Component of Primary Care, White paper, Qualis Health publ. Technical Expert Panel member and reviewer. www.QualisHealth.org/white-paper. 67p.
Interprofessional Education. Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry. Tenth annual report to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and to Congress. HRSA, Bureau of Health Professions. Advisory Committee Chair. July 2013. 26p.
Rethman, M. P., et al. Evidence-based Clinical Recommendations Regarding Screening for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Texas Dental Journal, 129(5):491-507, May 2012
Evans, C. A. Commentary on “Breaking the Cycle in Maryland: oral health policy change in the face of tragedy.” Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Supplement 1, 72 (S1), p 17, Winter 2012.
Evans, C. A. The Principles, Competencies, and Curriculum for Educating Dental Therapists: a report of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry panel. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Supplement 2, 71 (S2) pp S9-19, Spring 2011.
Evans, C. A. Guest Editorial – introduction to the special issue. Journal of the American Association of Public Health Dentistry, Supplement 2, 71 (S2) pp S1-2, Spring 2011.
Evans, C.A., Bolden, A.J., Hryhorczuk, Christine, Noorullah, Khatija. Management of Experiences in Community-Based Dental Education, pp S25 – S32. In: Successful Community-Based Dental education Programs and Underrepresented Minority Dental Student Recruitment and Enrollment Programs, Bailit, H. L. and Formicola, A. J., eds. Journal of Dental Education, Supplement (74) No. 10, Oct 2010, pp. S2 – S128.
Rethman, M. P., et al. Oral Cancer Screening: Evidence-Based Clinical Recommendations Regarding Screening for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of the American Dental Association, 141(5): 509-520, May 2010.
Mouradian, Wendy E., et al. Progress in Children’s Oral Health since the Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health. Academic Pediatrics, Special Issue on Children’s Oral Health, Mouradian, Wendy E and Slaton, Rebecca L., eds. 9(6): 374 – 379, Nov – Dec. 2009.
Warren, R. C., Formicola, A. J., Evans, C. A. Oral Health, pp 313-42, chapter 16. In: Health Issues in the Black Community, 3rd edition, Braithwaite, R. L., Taylor, S. E., and Treadwell, H. M., eds. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint, 2009. xxxvi + 620p.
Evans, C. A. Health Services Research in Dentistry and Oral Health, pp. 563-68. In Encyclopedia of Health Services Research, Vol. 1, Mullner, Ross, ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publishing Co., 2009.
Evans, C. A. The Role of Dental Schools in the Issues of Access to Care. Journal of the American College of Dentists, 75(4): 42-46, Winter 2008.
Hryhorczuk, Christine, et al. A Model for Selection and Assessment of Community-Based Sites for Dental Students’ Extramural Clinical Experiences. Journal of Dental Education, 72(2): 153-171, February 2008
Evans, C. A. Eliminating Oral Health Disparities: Ethics Workshop Reactor Comments. Journal of Dental Education, 70(11): 1180-1183, November 2006.
Evans, C. A. Workshop on the Implications of Global Health Trends for Health Professional Education: workshop summary and recommendations. May 13, 2004. Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Community Health and Family Practice, Medicine and Society Program. Monograph, 8p.
Evans, C. A. Assessing and Applying Community-Based Research, pp. 25-46. In: Community-Based Health Research: Issues and Methods, Blumenthal, D. S. and DiClemente, R. J., eds. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 2004. xii + 218p.
Noonan, A. S. and Evans, C. A. The Need for Diversity in the Health Professions. Journal of Dental Education, 67(9): 1030-1033, September 2003.
A National Call to Action to Promote Oral Health. Evans, C.A., exec ed. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Public Health Service; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; National Institutes of Health. Government Printing Office; NIH Publication No. 03-5303, May 2003. v + 53p.
Truman, B. I., Gooch, Barbara F., and Evans, C. A., guest editors. Interventions to Prevent Dental Caries, Oral and Pharyngeal Cancers, and Sports-Related Craniofacial Injuries: Systematic Reviews of Evidence, Recommendations from the Task Force on Community Preventive Services, and Expert Commentary. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23 (1S): 1-84, July 2002.
Evans, C. A., Opportunity: Creating a National Oral Health Plan. Guest Editorial. Journal of Dental Research, 80(9): 1784, September 2001.
Kleinman, Dushanka V. and Evans, C. A., Towards Science-Based Practice: A Charge from the U.S. Surgeon General. Commentary. Dental Abstracts, 46(4): 156-7, July-August 2001.
Evans, C. A. and Kleinman, Dushanka V., The Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health: Opportunities for the dental profession (Special Report). Journal of the American Dental Association, 131:1721-28, December 2000.
Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General. Evans, C.A., exec. ed.. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health. Government Printing Office; NIH Publication No. 00-4713, September 2000. xxiv + 308p.
Pappaioanou, Marguerite and Evans, C.A., Development of the Guide to Community Preventive Services: A U.S. Public Health Service Initiative. Public Health Management and Practice, 4(2): 48-54, 1998.
Evans, Caswell, Faith and Flu Shots. pp. 84-97. Medical and Health Annual, 1997, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, 1966, Bernstein, Ellen, ed. 416p.
Evans, C. A.., Public Health: Vision and Reality. American Journal of Public Health, 86(4):476-479, April 1996.
Evans, C.A. and Weiss, Billie P., Developing a Violence Prevention Coalition in Los Angeles, pp. 35-42. In, Down to Earth: Community Perspectives on Health, Development, and the Environment. Bradford, Bonnie and Gwynne, Margaret P. eds. National Council on International Health, Washington, DC. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, Conn. 1995. x +194p.
Evans, C. A., O’Brien, Quentin, Skrezyna, Jill, Public Health in a Managed Care Environment: A Los Angeles Experience. Family and Community Health, 18(3):54-59 October 1995.
Evans, C. A., Immigrants and Health Care: Mounting Problems. Annals of Internal Medicine, 22(4):309-310, February 15, 1995.
Evans, C. A., The Role of City, County, and State Health Departments in the University-Community Interaction, pp. 123-142. Sun Valley Forum on National Health, August 7-11, 1994. Forum proceedings: The University in the Urban Community; Responsibilities for Public Health. Hogness, J.R., Mc Laughlin, C.J., and Ostorweis, Marian, eds. Association of Academic Health Centers. xi +175p.
Evans, C. A., Health Promotion…Impact on Care and Cost, pp. 54-66. Conference proceedings, Managed Care or Managed Cost…!!! What is the Direction? Los Angeles, CA, May 24, 1994. University of Southern California, Center of Excellence in Health Care Management, 1994; vi + 74p.
Evans, Jr., C. A. Environmental Consequences of Civil Unrest. Environmental News Digest, LX(4):4-11, Winter 1993-94.. Foodservice and Packaging Institute, Inc, Arlington, VA.
Schlenker, T., Evans, C. A., and Friesen, R., Poor in a Rich World. Health Action, Issue 6, September-November 1993. (United Kingdom)
Evans, C. A. Preserving Humanity: Los Angeles County at Risk, pp. 53-62. Invited chapter in, Global Learning for Health, Morgan, R. E., and Rau, Bill, eds. National Council for International Health, 1993. vii + 291p.
Evans, C. A. Philanthropy and the Public Sector. Grantmakers in Health Conference Report; Tarpon Springs, FL, February 19-20, 1993. McKaughan, Molly and Cheng, Samantha, eds. Grantmakers in Health, Washington, D.C.
Evans, C. A. Public Health Impact of the 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest. Public Health Reports, 108(3):265-272, May‑June 1993.
Evans, C. A., Margolis, A. L. Public Health Week – Marketing the Concept of Public Health. Public. Health Reports, 107(1):110-112, January-February 1992.
Evans, C. A., Murthy, Srinivasa, and Weiss, Billie, Cancer and the Underserved: The Black Perspective. Conference proceedings: An Agenda for Changes in the 1990’s. American Cancer Society, California Division, November 3-4, 1989.
Evans, C. A. Fighting the Pushers in Minority America. Henry Ford Hospital. Medical Journal., 38(2 and 3):164-5, 1990.
Evans, C. A. The IOM Report, The Future of Public Health. Journal of Public Health Policy, 11(2):254-6, 1990.
Evans, C. A. AIDS-Related Changes in Public Programs. Journal of Dental Education, 53:523-24, September 1989.
Evans, C. A. Health Services: What Might the Future Be? Proceedings, Fourth Annual Conference, The Robert Wood Johnson Dental Services Research Scholars Program. Journal of Dental Education, 50:693-96, November 1986.
Evans, C. A. A National Survey of Public Health Dental Services in Local Health Departments: A Report of Findings. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 44:12-19, Summer 1984.
Olson, D. G., Levey, Rona L., Evans, C. A., and Olson, Susan K. Enhancement of High Risk Children’s Utilization of Dental Services. American Journal of Public Health, 71:631-33, June 1981.
Evans, C. A. Challenges to the Adoption of Community Water Fluoridation. Family and Community Health, 3:33-40, November 1980.
Faine, R. C., Evans, C. A., and Danforth, Helen Political Action: A New Era in Fluoridation Campaigns. Health Education, 9:5-8, November-December 1978.
Evans, C. A., and Pickles, Tomm State-wide Anti-Fluoridation Initiatives: A New Challenge to Health Workers. American Journal of Public Health, 68:59-62, January 1978.
Evans, C. A. From a Public Health Perspective, monthly column. Seattle-King County Dental Society Journal, Volumes 15 and 16, September 1976-June 1978.
- Columbia University, School of Dental and Oral Surgery, DDS
- University of Michigan, School of Public Health, MPH
- University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Dental Public Health Residency
- Project Director and Executive Editor, U. S. Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health, Office of the U. S. Surgeon General
- Adjunct Associate Professor Howard University, School of Medicine
- Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, University of California
- Adjunct Professor, School of Dentistry, University of California
- Director, Public Health Programs and Services, Assistant Director of Health Services, Los Angeles County Department of Health Services
- Associate Professor, Community Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
- Director, King County Health Services Division, Seattle-King County Department of Public Health
- Director of Operations, Seattle-King County Department of Public Health,
- Chief of Dental Services, Seattle-King County Department of Public Health
- Affiliate Assistant Professor of Community Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Washington
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and International Health, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington
- Chief of Dental Services; and Director of Research and Evaluation, HEALTHCO, Inc., Soul City, NC
- Assistant Professor of Dentistry, Department of Dental Ecology, School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina
Professional Memberships
- Chairman, DentaQuest Foundation Board
- Member, National Academy of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
- Past President, American Public Health Association
- Past President, American Association of Public Health Dentistry
- Past President, American Board of Dental Public Health
- Board Member, Chicago Board of Health
- Board Member, Institute of Medicine of Chicago
- Board Member, Oral Health America
- Board Member, Children’s Dental Health Project
- Member, National Dental Association
- Member, American Dental Association
- Fellow, American College of Dentists
- Fellow, International College of Dentists
- Fellow, Academy of Dentistry International
- Fellow, Institute of Medicine of Chicago