Orthodontic Residents Sharing Research Achievement at UIC COD Clinic and Research Day

Orthodontic Residents Sharing Research Achievement at UIC COD Clinic and Research Day

Henna Abbasi at Clinic and Research Day 2019.jpg

Congratulations to everyone who participated at the UIC College of Dentistry 32nd Clinic and Research Day on February 19, 2019! All third-year orthodontic postgraduate students at the UIC Department of Orthodontics presented their research projects and findings at the Clinic and Research Day, an annual event at the UIC College of Dentistry. The event allows students, postgrads, and research staff to present their research achievements to the College and the larger research community. Continuing education opportunities, dental products and services exhibits, a keynote lecture and student awards are all part of this day.

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On the upper right is Dr. Henna Abassi (Ortho); her poster was entitled “Longitudinal Analysis: Dental Arch Shape in Cleft and Non-Cleft Children”. Center right is Dr. Lauren Gordon (Ortho); her poster was entitled “The Relationsihp between Obesity and Mandible Size in Children and Adolescents”. Upper left is Dr. Matt Strumpf (Pedo); his poster was entitled “Forensic Age Estimation in a Chicago Pediatric Population”. On the bottom is Dr. Deric Truskoski (Pedo), being awarded the “Best Literature Review – Resident Fellow” award.