ICD Provides Gift to Help Fund International Rotations

The International College of Dentists recently provided a gift of over $2,400 to help fund the College’s international service learning rotations.
The College offers rotations in Guatemala, Tanzania, and China. At these rotations, students learn how dentistry is practiced in foreign countries and share their knowledge of American dentistry with their hosts.
Dr. D. Spencer Pope, Treasurer, 8th District, International College of Dentists, presented the check on Feb. 22 to Dr. Clark Stanford, Dean, and Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences.
“The International College of Dentists supports global outreach and humanitarian projects all over the world through grants,” Dr. Pope noted, adding that his organization “recognizes and promotes excellence in leadership with an emphasis on service, provides support to our Fellows and respect for our peers, addresses oral health needs and education throughout the world, and fosters an atmosphere of collaboration with those who share our values.”
“The ICD has recognized the value of our international rotations through its support,” Dr. Evans said. “Students have an in depth exposure to the oral health challenges and needs of populations in other countries. These students graduate in May and their international experiences will contribute to life and career altering insights.”
The grant application was prepared by Khatija Noorullah, Clinical Community Academic Manager for the College.