Farewell to COD Professor and Head of Research, Dr. Lyndon Cooper

In early January 2022, after six years at the UIC College of Dentistry, Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D was named Dean of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. Since November 2015, Lyndon F. Cooper, D.D.S., Ph.D., has served as the associate dean for Research and head of the Department of Oral Biology at the UIC College of Dentistry. Dr. Cooper’s contributions to the College have ushered in new research and developments that will grow with the new generation of dentists, and positively impact the community UIC serves.

Dr. Cooper earned his D.D.S. from New York University in 1983, and then went on to earn a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester, New York, and a Certificate in Prosthodontics from the Eastman Dental Center in Rochester. In 1990, he completed a two-year research fellowship at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in Bethesda, Maryland. During his time at the University of North Carolina Adams School of Dentistry, Dr. Cooper served as program director of Advanced Prosthodontics, Chair of the Prosthodontics Department, and Stallings Distinguished Professor. He is also a former American Board of Prosthodontics (ACP) President, and received the ACP’s 2004 Clinician/Researcher Award as well as the 2017 IADR/AO Innovation in Implant Sciences Award.

Under Dr. Cooper’s leadership, the faculty in the Department of Oral Biology at UIC have led or contributed to many of the key basic science courses taught to the school’s D.M.D., M.S., and Ph.D. students. With his help, the DMD/PhD training program has grown to 10 trainees and continues recruiting both DMD/PhD trainees and dentists seeking PhD training. Valuing mentorship and growth, Dr. Cooper made a point to mentor early career faculty and now that same faculty have received distinguished NIH grants and other awards to advance the future of oral health. Dr. Cooper’s own work has been recognized both nationally and internationally, which includes basic, patient-oriented and clinical research.

Dr. Cooper’s guidance to the College has strengthened the UIC community and brought positive developments to the faculty and facilities at the College. Dr. David Reed, Ph.D., Associate Professor for the Oral Biology department expressed his gratitude toward Cooper for taking him under his wing while Reed was a junior faculty member.

“I feel very lucky to have had Dr. Cooper as a mentor during my time as a junior faculty,” said Dr. Reed. “As a scientist, colleague, and leader, he was a strong and engaged role model for our entire research community.”

“I feel very lucky to have had Dr. Cooper as a mentor during my time as a junior faculty. As a scientist, colleague, and leader, he was a strong and engaged role model for our entire research community.”

David Reed, Ph.D.

Thanks to Dr. Cooper, students and faculty found a collaborative and nurturing environment at the College. Dr. Anne George, Ph.D., Dr. Allan G. Brodie Endowed Professor and Professor of Oral Biology, spoke to Cooper’s strengths as a role model and pioneer at COD.

“Dr. Cooper’s energy, forthrightness, mentorship to promote junior faculty and staff to progress in their careers are just a few of his unique characteristics, which have made him as an outstanding leader at COD,” said Dr. George. “He was a role model for the DMD-PhD students and was passionate in guiding them through their research career.

“Dr. Cooper’s energy, forthrightness, mentorship to promote junior faculty and staff to progress in their careers are just a few of his unique characteristics, which have made him as an outstanding leader at COD. He was a role model for the DMD-PhD students and was passionate in guiding them through their research career.

Anne George, Ph.D.

Though it is bittersweet to see him go, the College wishes Dr. Cooper well in his next adventure as Dean of the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, and thanks him for all he’s done to serve the community.

“Our heartfelt congratulations to you on your new role as Dean at VCU, Dr. Cooper. You will be missed.” said Dr. Reed.

“Dr. Cooper’s outstanding achievement as a researcher, educator, and mentor has shaped the face of research at the COD. Above all, Dr. Cooper fostered a collaborative environment at the College.” said Dr. George.