Dr. Fatemeh Afshari Named as the 2024 Jon Daniel Teaching Scholar
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Dr. Fatemeh Afshari as the 2024 recipient of the Jon Daniel Teaching Award, which confers upon her the distinction as a Jon Daniel Teaching Scholar.
Afshari is a clinical professor in the department of restorative dentistry. She is the managing partner of Vivaldi Clinic and is involved in teaching D3/D4 and AS3/AS4 students in the DAOB 331-333 and 341-343 courses. Comments from Afshari’s nominations from both students and colleagues cite her commitment to her students and her ability to provide support while challenging students: “Dr. Afshari always encourages students to think critically and brainstorm of multiple ways to solve problems. She constantly asks students questions that are thought provoking and stimulating and require them to think thoroughly.”; “Dr. Afshari is always working to support and motivate students to get the education that they need and to become competent as general dentists…and by motivating them and challenging them to strive for excellence.”
Afshari’s commitment to the academic mission of our college and her dedication to teaching and supporting students makes her an excellent choice for this award. She has earned the recognition and respect of colleagues and students by demonstrating the highest standard of professionalism and excellence in dental education.
Please join in congratulating the other eight remarkable faculty members who were also nominated for the Daniel Award this year: Drs. Zabihulla Ahmadi, Robert Bara, Ben Belavsky, Peter D’Aloia, Hisham Gharib, Kevin King, Beth Miloro, and Jeffrey Walker. Nomination itself is indeed a recognition and honor.
Thank you to the students and faculty members who took the time to write and submit nominations, and to the members of the 2024 Daniel Award Selection Committee composed of previous Jon Daniel Award recipients and ADEA student representatives: Drs. Seema Ashrafi, Blase Brown, Priscilla Chang, Alison Doubleday, Asha Eapen, Nadia Kawar, Robert Rada, Adriana Semprum-Clavier, Swee Tan, and students Minwoo Choi and Wan Ruan.
Afshari will be recognized at the Faculty Meeting on April 18 and presented with a plaque in recognition of the Jon Daniel Teaching Award at the faculty meeting in September.