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Donors Help Us Exceed Annual Fund Goal—Impact the College in Numerous Ways

Donors Help Us Exceed Annual Fund Goal—Impact the College in Numerous Ways

In Fiscal Year 2017, the College set an Annual Fund goal of $500,000 for various College of Dentistry initiatives, including student scholarships, faculty support, research activities, programs and special events, and more.

The College finished at 111% over goal, as more than 570 donors responded to letters, phone calls, and e-solicitations by making generous gifts in excess of $566,000. These donations went to many funds across the College.

The more than 570 donors came from the ranks of College of Dentistry alumni; Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry alumni; College of Dentistry students, faculty, and staff; and friends of the College.

“We are grateful to our donors for their extreme generosity this year,” said Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Donor relations.

An appeal by student Vivian Castellanos, D-4, appeared in some of the College’s Annual Fund solicitation letters. “Through your support, you are inspiring the clinical excellence and competency that I am acquiring in my dental education at UIC,” she said in thanking donors.

“We’ve seen a high degree of response to our Annual Fund letters, which feature stories of student successes told from the students’ perspectives,” Ogbac said. “Donors really enjoy learning more about our students. Their narratives are compelling, and with this increase in Annual Fund giving, we know those stories really resonated with our benefactors.

“We hope to continue the upward trend in Annual Fund giving,” Ogbac said.

The Fiscal Year 2018 Annul Fund goal is $600,000.