2016 ASDA Golf Outing Set

The College’s chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) will host its 12th annual Prophy Cup Golf Outing on Sunday, Oct. 9, from 12:30 to 6 p.m. at the Klein Creek Golf Club, 1N333 Pleasant Hill Rd., Winfield, IL.
Price is $100 for students and their guests and $150 for faculty, staff, residents, and alumni. Golfing on 18 holes and golf carts included in the price. Dress code is shirts with collars, no denim, and soft spikes. Buffet dinner provided. Awards ceremony and raffle at end of event.
Email RSVP to UICASDA@gmail.com. Checks should be made to UIC ASDA. For more about payment and other information, email venmo@UIC-ASDA.