Giving Funds
Our students are high-achievers, committed to helping the under-served, and empowered to do good. Heading link

They are your future colleagues and will make the profession proud.
Giving Heading link
The Fund for Excellence
The College of Dentistry Fund for Excellence, supported by the Annual Fund, was established to meet those expenses not covered by state funds as well as to provide financial support for other unique faculty and student needs, including the purchase of research/laboratory equipment and the development of new courses and programs. The Fund for Excellence also provides financial support in hosting the UIC Dental Alumni Association sponsored programs and other alumni-related activities. Fund number: (331331)
Group Practice Clinic Renovation Fund
The College’s present clinical operatories are more than 35 years old and lack the new technology that can be found in today’s dental practice. In order to transform the dental curriculum from the old lecture and solo practitioner model to today’s research-based collaborative model, the College is committed to renovating each of the operatories in our Group Practice Clinics. Each operatory will be state-of-the-art and will include a new dental chair and other equipment, cabinetry, and a chair-side computer. The computer technology will link the dental student to AxiUm, the College’s patient records system, and also will allow the benefit of digital radiography. Six Group Practice Clinics will be renovated and re-equipped at a cost of $600,000 per clinic. Opportunities are available to name a Group Practice Clinic as well as individual operatories at $25,000 each. Fund number: (335802)
Undergraduate Clinics Fund
The College now provides earlier clinical learning for dental students in Group Practice Clinics within the College, to make the transition to private practice seamless and to prepare students for increased independence in community–based clinics during their senior year of dental school. The Undergraduate Clinics Fund is used to support guest speakers, business meetings, and other informational and training sessions. Fund number: (335519)
Dentistry Service Learning Fund
Fourth-year DDS students from the UIC College of Dentistry spend 60 or more days providing oral healthcare to underserved patients in community clinics in Northern Illinois, Colorado, and Guatemala, gaining increased independence and familiarity with diverse patient bases. The Service Learning Fund covers expenses associated with these clinic rotations. Fund number: (334791)
Moneim A. Zaki Curriculum Innovation Fund
The Moneim A. Zaki Curriculum Innovation Fund enhances programmatic efforts by the Director of Curriculum Development to improve the curriculum and to develop faculty teaching skills. Funds support faculty development events and the purchase of teaching resources including software and multimedia equipment, books, and supplies. The fund recognizes the outstanding contributions of Dr. Moneim A. Zaki, longtime Professor of Oral Biology, to the education of dental students and the advance of dental education at UIC and internationally. Fund number: (335872)
Dr. Bruce S. Graham and Linda M. Graham Scholarship Fund
Named for longtime Dean of the UIC College of Dentistry Dr. Bruce S. Graham, and his wife, Linda, the Graham Scholarship is provided to a student with financial need who has shown growth and improvement in academic achievement. Dr. Graham served as Dean from 2000 to 2013 and led the College as it engaged in clinical education innovation, created a community-based service learning program, increased research activities, initiated the DMD degree program, and strengthened its commitment to diversity. Fund number: (773981)
Scholarships and Awards Fund
Scholarships and special awards recognize the commitment, dedication, and excellence of the College’s hardworking students. With DDS students graduating with an average of $150,000 in debt from their dental school education, scholarships and awards are more vital than ever in allowing the College’s New Dentists for America to obtain funding for their education. Fund number: (775056)
Student Activities Fund
From donations to the Student Activities Fund, the College is able to increase student involvement in organized dentistry, dental education activities, and community assistance initiatives. Contributions to the Student Activities Fund allow dental students to represent UIC at a number of various organized dentistry meetings including the ADA Annual Meeting, the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, and the American Dental Education Association Annual Meeting. Funding also provides for students to participate in table clinics, and become involved in community outreach programs. Fund number: (331329)
Earl W. and Hilda F. Renfroe Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Named for Dr. Earl Renfroe, DDS ’31, MS Ortho ’42, and his wife, Hilda, this fund provides scholarship support to needy minority students. Dr. Renfroe was the first African-American department head at the College. Fund number: (770131)
Rice Family Loan Fund
Rice Family Loan Fund Named for longtime Associate Dean for Student Affairs Dr. Donald Rice, DDS ’59, the Rice Family Loan Fund provides low-interest loans to the College’s students who are struggling to meet the demands of rising tuition and fees, as well as cost-of-living expenses. Fund number: (558426)
Allen W. Anderson Memorial Fund
Allen W. Anderson Memorial Fund Named for the late Dean Allen W. Anderson, DDS ’64, MS ’66, the fund provides financial support to College faculty members. Fund number: (771033)
Kottemann Gallery of Dentistry
Kottemann Gallery of Dentistry chronicles the innovative research and accomplishments of the College’s faculty and students, which have had international impact on dentistry. Located on the fifth floor of the College, the Kottemann Gallery displays graphics, text, and approximately 200 artifacts of dental equipment and instruments. The Kottemann Gallery of Dentistry is named for Dr. George Kottemann, a 1955 alumnus of the College of Dentistry, and his wife, Norma, who are major donors for the exhibit. Fund number: (332133)
Thaddeus V. Weclew Endowment Fund
Named for the late Dr. Thaddeus V. Weclew, one of the founders of the Academy of General Dentistry and the Academy of Continuing Education and a faculty member at the UIC College of Dentistry for 32 years, the Weclew Fund supports the annual Weclew Lecture, a Continuing Education offering at the College. Fund number: (773803)
Staff Development and Enrichment Fund
The Staff Development and Enrichment Fund recognizes the importance of capable and excellent staff to support the Mission and Vision of the College. Funds are used to strengthen staff members’ talents and abilities through professional development opportunities. Fund number: (337232)
Charles G. Maurice Fund
In a teaching career that spanned 37 years at the College, Dr. Charles G. Maurice established the Department of Endodontics, becoming its first head in the 1960s. This was not his first pioneering effort in endodontics, however, as he was one of the founders of the American Association of Endodontists in 1943. The Maurice Fund supports general Department of Endodontics needs and the annual Charles G. Maurice Memorial Lecture in Endodontics. Fund number: (332349)
Nijole Remeikis Endowment Fund
Dr. Nijole Remeikis, ’59, spent 40 years teaching in the Department of Endodontics, the last 20 as department head. The endowment promotes faculty and student scholarship within the Department of Endodontics through research, integration and application of new knowledge, and innovation in teaching; allows the Department of Endodontics to remain a leader in the translation of basic science research to clinical practice; supports faculty development and continuing education; and increases the visibility and reputation of the Department of Endodontics. Fund number: (773313)
James H. Fuller Scholarship Fund
The late Dr. James H. Fuller was an Associate Professor of Oral Biology, a neurophysiologist, a member of the University of Illinois Medical School faculty, and a veterinarian. His main research interest was the motor control of eye, head, and neck movements in mammals. The Fuller Fund is used to further communication among researchers in organismal biology by providing funds to reimburse graduate students for travel to and lodging at national and international scientific meetings and conferences at which the awardees will present their research. Fund number: (772165)
Du Brul Scholars Fund
The Du Brul Scholars Fund was established by a bequest by the late Florence Kirsch Du Brul, a longtime friend of the College of Dentistry and wife of the late Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul, who served on the College faculty for 50 years. The fund supports the College’s joint DMD/PhD program. Along with their DMD degrees, students earn a PhD in Oral Sciences. The program is geared toward individuals who want to be faculty and researchers in oral health science centers such as dental schools. Training concentrates on bench research, presentation skills, writing skills, and other activities related to research. Fund number: (773041)
Histology Alumni And Friends Fund
This fund supports research and graduate study in histology and related oral sciences, as well as graduate student recruiting. Fund number: (331886)
Oral Biology Unrestricted Fund
This fund provides unrestricted programmatic support for the Department of Oral Biology. Fund number: (337403)
Oral Biology Research Fund
This fund supports research within the Department of Oral Biology. Fund number: (338992)
Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Unrestricted Fund
This fund supports Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery resident travel to academic meetings, the purchase of academic journals, outside speakers coming to lecture Oral Surgery residents, and various special projects and needs vital to making the UIC College of Dentistry’s Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery the very best. Fund number: (333086)
Daniel M. Laskin Society Fund
Named for Dr. Daniel M. Laskin, this fund supports the annual Daniel Laskin Lecture Series. Fund number: (341441)
Department Of Oral Medicine And Diagnostic Sciences Unrestricted Fund
For DMD students and postgrads who have an interest in Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, this fund supports their travel to academic meetings, the purchase of academic journals, outside speakers coming to lecture on Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, expenses related to faculty and students’ oral cancer research, and various special projects and needs vital to making the UIC College of Dentistry Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences the very best. Fund number: (335088)
Dr. Waterhouse Various Donors Fund
Named for the late College of Dentistry faculty member, Dr. John P. Waterhouse, the fund supports research and education in the College’s Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences. Fund number: (334512)
Oral Medicine Clinic Fund
This fund supports the Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in granting student research awards, travel to regional/national Oral Medicine conferences for outstanding students, establishing an electronic library of mucosal disease related publications, and acquiring the latest clinical instruments for state of the science diagnosis and treatment in the College of Dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Fund number: (337179)
Center For Diagnostic Imaging Fund
This fund supports the Center for Diagnostic Imaging, which features digital panoramic suites, cone beam computed tomography scanners, intraoral digital operatories, a 3D LearnLab with interactive PC workstations, advanced diagnostic and treatment planning software, an open access library of unique teaching cases, and integration of digital images with Electronic Health Records. Fund number: (337719)
Department Of Orthodontics Unrestricted Fund
This fund supports Orthodontics postgrads’ travel to academic meetings, the purchase of academic journals, outside speakers coming to lecture Orthodontics postgrads, and various special projects and needs vital to making the UIC College of Dentistry’s Department of Orthodontics the very best. Fund number: (333011)
Brodie Institute For Orthodontics Unrestricted Fund
One of the last two students that Dr. Edward Angle, the “father of orthodontics,” ever taught, Dr. Allan G. Brodie, orthodontics department chair from 1929 to 1966 and dean from 1943 to 1956, set the standard for orthodontic expertise through much of the 20th century. The Brodie Institute’s mission is to put the Department of Orthodontics at the forefront of research, teaching, patient care and service to the profession as a think tank that is akin to a combination Mayo Clinic and National Institutes of Health of orthodontics. Fund number: (330659)
Drs. Bernard Schneider/Cyril Sadowsky Faculty Fund
Named for longtime Department of Orthodontics faculty members Dr. Bernard Schneider and Dr. Cyril Sadowsky, the fund provides the wherewithal for direct enhancement of orthodontic specialty education at the College. Fund number: (773418)
Dr. Earl W. Renfroe Chair In Clinical Orthodontics
The late Dr. Earl W. Renfroe, DDS ’31, MS ortho ’42, who taught at the College from the 1930s through the 1980s, was considered the finest clinical orthodontist in the world. The Dr. Earl W. Renfroe Chair in Clinical Orthodontics will allow the College to obtain the services of a world-class clinical orthodontist in the mold of Dr. Renfroe. Fund number: (773362)
William Benham Downs Fund
Dr. William Benham Downs was one of the finest clinicians ever to grace the College. He was highly respected around the world, and the alumni who had the good fortune to have had him as an orthodontics teacher know that honesty, integrity, ability, dedication, and modesty exemplified Bill Downs. The fund currently is being used to support visits of lecturers in the department’s Orthodontic Forum series. Fund number: (333090)
Dr. Arshad Mohammed Scholarship in Orthodontics
In memory of Dr. Arshad Mohammed, ’18, and first-year resident of the Orthodontics program. This named scholarship will provide scholarship support for a resident of the Orthodontic program. Fund number: (339431)
Pediatric Dentistry Clinic Renovation Fund
With facilities more than 35-years-old, the Department of Pediatric Dentistry has plans for a remodeled 24-chair Postgraduate Clinic. The need for new and redesigned facilities is crucial not only to meet modern HIPPA standards but also for patient privacy and to allow parents to accompany children in an effort to make the children feel safer and calmer. A reconfigured Postgraduate Clinic would include room for clinical research on oral health disparities and other pediatric dentistry research issues. A new design is necessary to duplicate private practices, which will allow each resident to manage a multiple-chair module system. An antiquated ventilation system and lighting must be replaced. Larger Sedation Rooms are needed, as is a Monitoring/Recovery Room with modern comforts and technology. The Emergency Room was not designed for the current volume of cases, and new crash carts are needed for emergency resuscitation equipment and pharmaceuticals. A redesigned Infant and Adolescent Emergency Care Unit will allow for triage and more efficient handling of emergencies. A resource Seminar Room will cluster pre-diagnostic and diagnostic technology, including digital cephalometric x-rays. A remodeled Reception Room will feature glass walls to contain children and a welcoming design with electronics and toys to keep children occupied. Desks for the residents are more than 20 years old, so modern desks with new computers are required. The Postgraduate Clinic will need private support of $1.5 million. Naming opportunities are the Emergency Care Unit, $100,000; Reception Room, $100,000; Seminar Room, $50,000; two Sedation Rooms at $35,000 each; Monitoring/Recovery Room at $35,000; 24 new operatories at $25,000 each; and 14 new desks with computers at $5,000 each. Fund number: (330973)
Pediatric Dentistry Unrestricted Fund
The Pediatric Dentistry Unrestricted Fund helps the department graduate outstanding pediatric dentists, and these funds are essential to support the College’s top-level pediatric dentistry teaching, research, and public service. The Pediatric Dentistry Unrestricted Fund provides funds for residents and faculty to attend local and national dental and research meetings; helps residents with their Board prep courses; pays for surveys; provides stipends to outside guest speakers; and funds special events–even those as basic as resident interviews and our graduation ceremony. (330542)
Gerlach-Barber Recognition Fund
Named the first superintendent of the College’s Children’s Clinic in 1927, Dr. Elsie Gerlach stayed for 38 years and became nationally known and respected as a pioneer in the teaching and development of pediatric dentistry. Dr. Tom Barber, a faculty member from 1950 to 1969, was one of the first pediatric dentistry researchers and teachers to address preventive orthodontics and was the first to introduce tape-slide presentations in dental technique training. He and Dr. Earl Renfroe wrote a seminal artical on preventive and interceptive orthodontics in 1957. The fund helps meet general needs of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Fund number: (331775)
Childrens’ Associated Care Fund
The UIC College of Dentistry provides approximately $2 million in uncompensated oral healthcare to indigent and underserved people, most of them children. This fund helps defray some of the costs to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry for treating indigent and underserved children. Fund number: (332789)
Pediatric Dentistry General Anesthesia Patient Care Fund
This fund will help defray the costs of general anesthesia services for pediatric dentistry patients seen in the Pediatric Dentistry Ambulatory Surgery Center. Fund number: (341653)
Periodontic Clinic Renovation Fund
A new postgraduate Periodontic Clinic will allow the Department of Periodontics to recruit the best and brightest students. Plans call for the construction of two new surgical suites and 14 new operatories. Other renovations include the construction of a private consultation room. Fund number: (336361)
Bennett Klavan Fund
The Bennett Klavan Fund supports a visiting lectureship program and other key initiatives within the Department of Periodontics, such as supporting education in periodontology and helping to meet the needs of postdoctoral students, faculty, and alumni, advancing the science of periodontology and the oral health of the public. Fund number: (772452)
Dr. Isaac Schour Memorial Dentistry Student Research Awards
The Dr. Isaac Schour Memorial Dentistry Student Research Award is in the Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration. It will be used to stimulate student interest in research, giving students an opportunity to work creatively, develop excellence, and be inspired by researchers with whom they will work. Fund number: (335354)
Restorative Dentistry Unrestricted Fund
For DDS students and postgrads who have an interest in Restorative Dentistry, this fund supports their travel to academic meetings, the purchase of academic journals, outside speakers coming to lecture on Restorative Dentistry, and various special projects and needs vital to making the UIC College of Dentistry’s Department of Restorative Dentistry the very best. Fund number: (333555)
Restorative And Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic Renovation Fund
With older facilities that need to be replaced, the Department of Restorative Dentistry has plans for a new 18-chair Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic and remodeled laboratories. The Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic was last remodeled in the early 1990s. It features 12 chairs located in close, cramped proximity to each other–an unfriendly, stress-inducing environment for patients. Remodeling will result in 18 chairs placed to meet modern HIPAA standards for patient privacy and to provide room to allow collaborative consultation between faculty, residents, and dental students that will mirror modern collaborative dental practice. Modern technology is required for the Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic, as CAD/CAM (computerized design) units and digital imaging equipment allowing rapid scanning for diagnostic purposes have become standard in modern prosthodontic practice. Laboratory areas are more than 30 years old, lack proper equipment, are not configured to modern federal regulations and requirements, and must be remodeled as well. With the College’s emphasis on research as an integral part of the curriculum, there must be laboratory space for every resident. Fund number: (337408)
Dr. S. Sol Flores & Mrs. Cecelia T. Flores Clinical Prosthodontics Laboratory
Dr. S. Sol “Sam” Flores, Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry, has been on the faculty since the late 1940s. During World War II, Dr. Flores saw action in the Far East and survived the Bataan Death March while Mrs. Flores was a U.S. Army nurse. Dr. Flores was the first Filipino faculty member at the University of Illinois. The fund keeps the Flores Clinical Prosthodontics Laboratory, where students make dental appliances and other restorations, in state-of-the-art working order and updated with the latest equipment. Fund number: (332805)
Dentistry Summer Student Research Award Fund
The Dentistry Summer Student Research Award Fund supports dental students who may have an interest in research, providing stipends the summer before their D-1 year. It provides students with the research experience that will help them in their decision to become research scientists, faculty, or practicing dentists with an increased understanding of science. Fund number: (340345)
Center For Wound Healing And Tissue Regeneration Fund
New research suggests that scientists might soon find improved ways to assist humans in regenerating lost tissue, including skin, mucosa, bone, teeth, organs, digits, and even limbs. The Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration is a unique community of more than 50 scientists and clinicians devoted the study of injury responses and tissue regeneration. Gifts to this fund will be used to support our multidisciplinary research team as we learn more about the body’s reaction to damage, its repair process, and the elements that are needed to fully regenerate missing tissues. The ultimate goal of Center research efforts is to implement innovative therapeutic strategies to improve patient outcomes when tissues are lost due to trauma or disease. Fund number: (335098)
Research Development and Graduate Education Fund
This fund supports faculty and student research projects at the College of Dentistry. These funds may be used for research scholarships, travel to present at dental conferences, and research stipends. Fund number: (338648)
Contacts Heading link
Dina Kutinsky
Executive Director of Development
(312) 413-7702
Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs (MC 621)
UIC College of Dentistry
801 S. Paulina St. Rm 404EB
Chicago, IL 60612
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Support the next generation of dental students
Our students are learning and serving by caring for vulnerable and underserved people, in our city and around the globe. Your gift helps them make this critical impact while becoming experienced oral health professionals.