Seema Ashrafi, DDS, MS
Chicago Dental Society Foundation Clinical Fellow, Clinical Professor, Director, Pre-Doctoral Periodontics and Clinical Director, Advanced Standing Program, Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology and Dental Implant Surgery
Building & Room:
801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612
Dr. Seema S. Ashrafi is Clinical Professor of Periodontics and serves as Director of Pre-Doctoral Periodontics and Clinic Director of the Advanced Standing Program. Dr. Ashrafi received both her DDS and MS in histology from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and completed a periodontics residency program at UIC. Dr. Ashrafi's research focuses on clinical and educational methodologies, particularly in the area of predoctoral periodontics. She is the recipient of multiple Golden Apple Awards for excellence in teaching.
Selected Publications
Shaltoni S, Ashrafi S, Narvekar A, Viana MG, Nares S. Peri-Implant disease education and diagnosis in the pre-doctoral curriculum. J Dent Educ 2020; Sep 10. doi: 10.1002/jdd.12400. Online ahead of print.
Ashrafi S, Narvekar A. Evaluation of the peri-implant tissues in health and disease. CDE World, American Dental Hygienist’s’ Association, August 2019. https://adha.cdeworld.com/courses/21453-evaluation-of-the-peri-implant-tissues-in-health-and-disease
Ashrafi S, Narvekar A. A quick reference guide to the evaluation of peri-implant tissues in health and disease. Access 2019; 33: 8-13.
Bahcall, James; Ashrafi, Seema; Xie, Qian. Importance of obtaining a pulpal and periradicular diagnosis prior to restorative treatment. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2019; 40: 27.
Hayes, N, Bucher, K, Ashrafi, S, Lebowicz, L. Adapting a haptic motor skill simulator to include 3D histology and supporting information architecture (ia). J Biocommun 2018; 42: (2).
Javaid M, Ashrafi A, Žefran M, Steinberg Ad. ToothPIC: An interactive application for teaching oral anatomy. IEEE Trans Learn Technol, 9: 184-189. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7345566
Kawar N, Seema, A, Sturgeon M, Khan S, Goetz D, Gantos M, Patel K, Gandhi A, Ali H, Marucha P, Weiner W. Periodontal disease and systemic health. MedEdPORTAL; 2013. www.mededportal.org/publication/9584.
Ashrafi S, Nakib N. Need for antibiotic premedication for patients having periodontal dental procedures. Dis Mon 2011; 57: 218-224.
Nuha Nakib, Ashrafi S. Drug induced gingival overgrowth. Dis Mon 2011; 57: 225-230.
Steinberg AD, Bashook PG, Drummond J, Seema a, Zefran M. Assessment of faculty perception of content validity of PerioSim©, a haptic‐3D virtual reality dental training simulator. J Dent Educ 2007; 71: 1574-158.
Borke JL, Zaki AE, Eisenmann D, Ashrafi SH, Ashrafi SS, and Penniston JT. Expression of plasma membrane Ca++ pump epitopes parallels the progression of enamel and dentin mineralization in rat incisor. J Histochem Cytochem 1993; 41:175-181.
- University of Illinois at Chicago, BS (Biology), 1988
- University of Illinois at Chicago, BS (Dentistry), 1991
- University of Illinois at Chicago, DDS, 1993
- University of Illinois at Chicago, MS (Histology), 1994
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Specialty Certificate in Periodontics, 1999
Licensures and Certifications
Illinois, Dental Practice License
Illinois, Specialty License
Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology and Dental Implant Surgery Dentistry
Professional Memberships
American Dental Education Association
Woman Liaison Officer for the University of Illinois at Chicago
American Board of Periodontology
American Academy of Periodontology
Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honorary Dental Society
Research Currently in Progress
Dr Ashrafi's scholarly activities focuses on clinical and educational research. Current projects include evaluation of the peri-implant tissues in health and diseases, pulpal and periradicular diagnosis prior to restorative treatment and adapting haptic motor skill simulator to include 3D histology and supporting information architecture.