Dr. Robert Hawkinson, DDS, MS
Clinical Assistant Professor
Building & Room:
UIC College of Dentistry 801 S. Paulina St., IL 60612
Selected Publications
M.S. Thesis: The microscopy of dental tissues in the enamel-free region of rat molars(1980)
Technique and procedures of a post space preparation using hand instrumentation (1981)
Indications for post space preparation (1981)
Taking in-treatment endodontic radiographs (1983)
“Electron microscopy of dentinal tubule sclerosis in the enamel free region of the rat molar,” Arch. Oral boil. 28 28:401-414, 1983“A comparison of Thermafil to lateral condensation obturation techniques: A radioisotope leakage study.”Icelandic Dent. J. 10:7-11, 1992
“The smear layer and bacterial penetration of radicular dentinal tubules,” J. Endod. 20:196, 1994 (Abstract)
“The effect of CO2 laser irradiation on PLD cell attachment to resected root surfaces,” Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, oral Radiology, Endodontics, 97:518-523, 2004
- MS Histology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1980
- Endodontics Certificate, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, 1976
- DDS, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, 1972
Professional Memberships
- American Dental Association and Component Societies
- American Association of Endodontics
- Wheaton Dental Society
- Annual Midwest Seminar and Dental Medicine
- Motorcycling Doctors Association
Research Currently in Progress
Research in the fields of dental histology (dentin morphology; cellular control in mineralizing tissues); microbiology and radicular dentin infection and permeability.