Budi Kusnoto, DDS, MS
Program Director, Clinic Director, Professor of Orthodontics
College of Dentistry 801 S. Paulina Street, IL 60612
Dr Kusnoto is a tenured professor of orthodontics, Interim Department Head, Clinical Director and Laboratory Coordinator of the Digital Imaging Laboratory in the Department of Orthodontics, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Dr. Kusnoto obtained his masters degree in oral sciences and specialty in orthodontics in 1998 from the UIC and undertook his fellowship in the Craniofacial Center in 1999. He has been involved in the implementation of digital technology in the Department of Orthodontics at the UIC. His degrees in computer science as well as in the field of dentistry/orthodontics make his contribution significant to this project. His knowledge in growth and development of the human craniofacial complex is complimentary to his teaching in the field of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. He is also involved in the implementation of a HIPAA program compliant with a high-level security computer system/digital record system in the Department of Orthodontics.
Scholarly interests
3-dimensional digital imaging diagnostic computer system, 3-dimensional craniofacial growth imaging, improving quality and efficiency of digital imaging for diagnostic and legal documents in orthodontic field.
Selected Publications
Kusnoto B. “Two dimensional cephalometry and computerized orthognathic surgical treatment planning.” Clin Plast Surg. 34:417-26, 2007.
Kravitz ND, Kusnoto B. “Posterior impaction with orthodontic miniscrews for openbite closure and improvement of facial profile.” World J Orthod. 8:157-66, 2007.
Kravitz ND, Kusnoto B. “Soft-tissue lasers in orthodontics: an overview.” Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 133:S110-4, 2008.
Kravitz ND, Kusnoto B, Agran B, Viana G. “Influence of attachments and interproximal reduction on the accuracy of canine rotation with Invisalign.” Angle Orthod. 78:682-7, 2008.
Oliveira De Felippe NL, Da Silveira AC, Viana MG, Kusnoto B, Smith B, Evans CA. “Relationship between rapid maxillary expansion and the nasal cavity’s size and airway resistance short and long-term effects.” Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 134:370-82, 2008.
Kravitz ND, Kusnoto B, BeGole E, Obrez A, Agran B. “How well does Invisalign work? A prospective clinical study evaluating the efficacy of tooth movement with Invisalign.” Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 135: 27-35, 2009.
Israel M, Kusnoto B, Evans CA, BeGole E. “A comparison of traditional and computer-aided bracket placement methods.” Angle Orthod 81:828-35, 2011.
Vajaria R, BeGole E, Kusnoto B, Galang MT, Obrez A. “Evaluation of incisor position and dental transverse dimensional changes using the Damon system.” Angle Orthod. 81: 647-52, 2011.
Kwong TS, Kusnoto B, Viana G, Evans CA, Watanabe K. “The effectiveness of Oraqix® versus TAC Alternate for placement of orthodontic temporary anchorage devices.” Angle Orthod. 81: 754-59, 2011.
Duabis R, Kusnoto B, Natarajan R, Zhou L, Evans CA. “Factors affecting stresses in cortical bone around miniscrew implants A three-dimensional finite element study.” Angle Orthod. 82:875-880, 2012.
Al-Sanea R, Kusnoto B, Evans CA. “3D facial soft tissue changes due to orthodontic tooth movement.” In: Bourzgui F. Orthodontics – Basic Aspects and Clinical Considerations. ISBN 978-953-51-0143-7, InTech, March 3, 2012.
Ehsani S, Carlyle T, El-Bialy T, Kusnoto B. Cephalometric analysis of dental and skeletal changes following treatment with a passive self-ligating system. J Clin Orthod. 46, 301-306, 2012.
Oweis T, Kusnoto B, BeGole E, Obrez A. Mandibular growth changes in Class II subjects treated with palatal expansion: A retrospective cephalometric study. In preparation. 2013.
Sagun M, Kusnoto B, Galang MT, Viana G, Evans CA. Comparison of computerized cephalometric growth prediction: a study of three methods. In preparation. 2013.
Dobbs ME, Kusnoto B, Manasse R, Viana G, Obrez A. A comparison of compliance in Medicaid versus non-Medicaid orthodontic patients. In preparation, 2013.
Smith T, Kusnoto B, Viana G, Monahan RM. Mesio-distal tip and facio-lingual torque outcomes in computer-assisted orthodontic treatment. In revision, Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2013.
D’Agostini JM, Kusnoto B, Viana G, Monahan RM. The relationship between cephalometric incisor angulation and panoramic incisor length. In preparation, 2013.
More publications
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Orthodontics