Bin Yang, DMD, MSc, PhD, FACP
Assistant Professor
Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics
Restorative Dentistry
801 S. Paulina St., IL 60612
Clinical activities & specialties
Dr. Yang maintains a private practice in Chicago, IL. She believes that interdisciplinary treatment planning, precise operation and advanced materials and technology provide the best comprehensive patient-centered care.
Selected Publications
Morães RR, Garcia JW, Wilson ND, Lewis SH, Barros MD, Yang Bin, Pfeifer CS, Stansbury JW. “Improved dental adhesive formulations based on reactive nanogel additives”. J Dent Res. 2012 Feb;91(2):179-84.
Bin Yang, Glenn Flaim, Sabine Dickens. “Remineralization of human natural and artificial carious dentin lesions” Acta Biomater. 2011 May; 7(5):2303-9.
Jun Lin, Christian Mehl, Bin Yang, Matthias Kern. “Durability of four composite resin cements bonded to dentin under simulated pulpal pressure” Dental Materials.2010; 26:1001-9.
Bin Yang, Andre Barloi, Matthias Kern “Influence of airborn-particle abrasion on zirconia ceramic bonding using an adhesive composite resin” Dental Materials. 2010 Jan;26(1):44-50.
Bin Yang, Stefan Wolfart, Matthias Kern. Retention of prefabricated titanium dowels cemented with three luting resins. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. 2010 Dec;12(6):487-95.
Simone Brunzel, Bin Yang, Matthias Kern. “Tensile Bond Strength of a So-called Self-adhesive Resin to Dentin.” Journal of Adhesive Dentistry 2010 Apr;12(2):143-50.
Matthias Kern, Andre Barloi, Bin Yang “Surface Conditioning Influences Zirconia Ceramic Bonding” Journal of Dental Research. 2009; 88: 817-22.
Bin Yang, H. C. Lange-Jansen, Michael Scharnberg, Stefan Wolfart, Klaus Ludwig, Rainer Adelung, Matthias Kern. Influence of saliva contamination on zirconia ceramic bonding. Dent Materials. 2008;24:508-13.
Muhamad Ghazal, Bin Yang, Klaus Ludwig, Matthias Kern. Two-body wear of resin and ceramic denture teeth in comparison to human enamel. Dental Materials. 2008;24:502-7.
Bin Yang, Michael Scharnber, Stefan Wolfart, Klaus Ludwig, Rainer Adelung, Matthias Kern. Influence of contamination on zirconia ceramic bonding. J Dent Res. 2007;86:749-53.
Bin Yang, Michael Scharnber, Stefan Wolfart, Anna C. Quaas, Klaus Ludwig, Rainer Adelung, Matthias Kern. Influence of contamination on bonding to zirconia ceramic. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2007;81:283-90.
Bin Yang, Klaus Ludwig, Rainer Adelung, and Matthias Kern. Micro-tensile bond strength of the luting resins to human regional dentin. Dental Materials. 2006;22:45-56
Bin Yang, Rainer Adelung, Klaus Ludwig, Klaus Brößmann, David H Pashley and Matthias Kern. Effect of structural change of collagen fibrils on the durability of dentin bonding. Biomaterials. 2005;26:5021-31.
Cui, T., Niu, G., Yang, B.. Improving aesthetic zirconia bonding with an innovative coating surface treatment. Quintessence International. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (In revision)
Yang, B., Ginsenburg, S., Li, W., Shahmohammadi, M. Taukodis, C., Wu, C.D. Microbial adhesion to a nano-ceramic coated PMMA. J Biomedical Materials Research Part B (In revision)
Maxillary Midline Diastema Closure with Sectional Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers: a Case Series Followed 1 to 4 years. Wang, X., Shu, X., Zhang, Y., Yang B., Zhao, K.. (In revision)
Exploring the degradation of dental impant-abutment interface: Role of fretting corrosion. Shukla A., Sun, Y., Mathew, M., Yang, B.. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (In preparation)
Martin, C., Purevdorj-Gage, L., Li, W., Shary, T., Yang, B., Murphy, R. J., and Wu, C.D. In Vitro Biofilm Formation on Aryl Ketone Polymer (AKP), A New Denture Material, Compared with That on Three Traditional Dental Denture Materials,” International Journal of Dentistry, 2021, Article ID 4713510.
Kawar1 N., Park, L., Schwartz, J.L., Callahan, N., Obres, A., Yang, B., Adami, G.R.. Salivary Microbiome with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Treatment. Scientific reports, 2021 Article number:188 (online open access)
Chai, Y., Yang, B., Niu, G., Lin, H.. Effect of plasma-induced grafting modification on the bond strength and mechanical properties of fiber posts. Journal of Prosthetic dentistry. 01.2020
Shahmohammadi, M., Yang, B., and Takoudis, C. Applications of Titania Atomic Layer Deposition in the Biomedical Field and Recent Updates – A Mini Review. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 2020: 8:465-468
Helal, M. A., Yang, B., Saad, E. Abas, M. Al-kholy. MR. Effect of SiO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles on wear resistance of PMMA acrylic denture teeth. Brazilian Dental Science. 2020. 23
Binns, R., Wu, C.D., Campbell, S., Yang, B.. Effect of ultraviolet light on Candida albicans on Poly(methyl methacrylate) resin. Journal of Prosthodontics. 2020; 29:686-692
Shahmohammadi, M., Pensa, E., Bhatie, H. Yang, B., Takoudis, C. Enhancing the surface properties and functionalization of polymethyl methacrylate with atomic layer-deposited titanium (IV) Oxide. Journal of Materials Science. 2020:55: 17151-17169
Darwish, G., Huang, S., Wu, G., Sukotjo, C., Campbell, S., Takoudis, C., Yang, B. Improving polymethyl methacrylate resin using a novel nano-ceramic coating. Journal of Prosthodontics. 2019; 28:1011-1017
Wang, X., Shu, X., Zhang, Y., Yang B., Jian, Y., Zhao, K.. Evaluation of fiber posts vs metal posts for restoring severelydamaged endodontically treated teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Quintessence International. 2019; 50(1):8-20.
Zhang, C., Yang, B.. Long-term marginal adaptation and nanoleakage of class V cavity restored with organic filler filled 4-META/MMA-TBB resin. Journal Biomedical Materials Research Part B. 2019;107:2050-2056
Chen, S., Park, A., Wang, J, Knoernschild, K., Campbell, S., Yang, B. Fracture resistance of minimally invasive e.max CAD lithium disilicate crowns cemented on different supporting substrates. J Prosthodontics. 2019: 28:997-1004
Yang, B., Zhang, C., Campbell, S., Dickens, S.. Remineralization of natural human carious dentin lesions with an experimental whisker-reinforced ART composite. Journal of Prosthodontics. 2019; 28:920-926
Kawar, N., Alrayyes, S., Yang, B., Aljewari, H.. Oral health management considerations for patients with sickle cell disease. Feb 2018. Disease-a-Month
- School of Stomatology, Henan Medical University, PR China, Bachelor of Dentistry
- School of Stomatology, Peking University, PR China, M.Sc.
- Dental School, Christian-Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany, D.M.D
- Multi-component Materials Institute, Christian-Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany, Ph.D
- Eastman institute for oral health, University of Rochester, Advanced program in Prosthodontics
Licensures and Certifications
Licensed Dentist, Illinois
Licensed Specialty in Prosthodontics, Illinois
Licensed Dentist, Virginia
Licensed Dentist, China
Diplomate, American Board of Prosthodontics
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Fix Prosthodontics
America College of Prosthodontics
America Prosthodontics Society
American Association of Dental Research
International Association of Dental Research
American Dental Association
Illinois State Dental Society
Research Currently in Progress
Dr. Yang’s current research interests include Nano-ceramic coatings on dental materials. Adhesive dentistry in dental ceramics, Dental implant-abutment interface in clinically relevant testing environment, Bio-active materials for caries prevention.